I would like to know your methods?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Daniel22, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. Daniel22

    Daniel22 Fapstronaut

    I would like to know your methods because of which you have been able to stop masturbating. I mean how do you stop the urge to masturbate?
    Deadlihood likes this.
  2. Thug Life

    Thug Life Guest

    There isn't a way to stop the urges. You conquer them by realizing that they're a part of life and that they provide you with an opportunity to grow every time you resist. As time goes on you build up strength and resisting becomes easier and easier.

    Everything in life can either be an obstacle or an opportunity. If you treat urges as an obstacle then you're going to be looking for ways to avoid and escape them and so you will be reinforcing your addictive behaviors. If you view urges as opportunities then you're going to face them and learn to master them which will create healthy habits.
  3. legolas_01

    legolas_01 Fapstronaut

    Go on Nofap, listen to music, go outside/to gym, call a friend, take a shower, write down on a paper to reason for which you don't PMO and read them aloud. There are many, find those that work for you!
    kartheek and Daniel22 like this.
  4. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    My Tool Kit!
    Block all porn on all devices and youtube adult content.
    I have a timer on my devices too that block all internet access after 10pm, as at night Im more vonurable to MO with porn-subs.
    I also blocked all dating aps, websites, twitter, snapchat, and instigram after 10pm.
    I also got rid of Netflix and cable tv as porn-subs would lead me back.
    Exercise ALOT!
    Join a 12step support group, such as, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous, SA, or just good ol, AA to get support.
    Dont go to places that are triggery, strip joints, message parlars, nightclubs with gogo dancers, bikini contests, or just being up really late at night on drugs, drunk, or jacked up on redbull all lead to slips.
    Pray, pray, pray.. Start a meditation practice.
    Write down every lust hit you see all week, that hot girl crossing the street, that sexy billbord, scene in a movie or tv show, etc.. write down every lust hit at least once a week to clear those images out of your head, then say a prayer to remove them and for your mind and thoughts to be directed to something else.
    Help others, join and do volentier work. When you help save others life, your life gets saved. Doing direct service work for free is one of the fastest ways to get self eateam, boost self worth, and feel better about life.
  5. Daniel22

    Daniel22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot guys for telling me so many methods. I'll surely try these!
  6. 1. Workout or do pushups while you have urges.
    2. Maybe take a cold shower.
    3. If you're just starting then, just masturbate using you're imagination and try again. However, you don't want to make this a habit.
    4. Be aware when you're in flat line and on't panic during this phase of your journey. Your libido will come back and you will feel better in 1-2 weeks give or take.
    5. Keep yourself busy, try new things.

    Daniel22 likes this.
  7. Daniel22

    Daniel22 Fapstronaut

    I have exams in one week so should I stop masturbating now or after the exams?
  8. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    after a while, I really have to say:

    Not thinking about it is the easiest way.
    But therefor you need something really interesting.
    This week I am alone at home having nothing really to do and I use the time to research topics that improve my life as well as me as person overall.
    Then I produce some music, DJing around etc.
    All that stuff is just way more interesting than porn so its easy for me not doing it.
    kartheek and Daniel22 like this.
  9. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    Urges come from your irrational brain. Even though they don't feel like it, in studies on nicotine addicts the average urge lasts 7 minutes. All you need is a strategy to manage that 10 minutes. I often recommend the 15 minute rule. When an urge comes on, promise yourself that if the same urge is still there in 15 minutes then you'll act on it (15 minutes is nothing). Do something to distract for the 15 minutes (some suggestions are above). By the time 15 minutes has elapsed, the thought of relapse would have got to your rational brain and it will likely overrule your irrational brain.
    Daniel22 and kartheek like this.
  10. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I personally had some similar thing going on, should I start after that?

    The problem is that you try to find a perfect moment to start while there is none, if your exams are like in 6 or 7 days, I would start so you have testosterone spikes at these days, I´ve noticed these spikes at day 5 and 6 and I´ve become super creative, don´t know if it´s because of that but after some reasearch I figured out that you have such testosterone spikes at day 5-7
    Daniel22 and kartheek like this.
  11. Anubis91

    Anubis91 Fapstronaut

    Hate. I think about my past and the people I been with. And how much they brought me down. I don't wanna be weak as them. Not anymore. I'm too motivated.
  12. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    My Methods :

    * NoFap.com
    * Gym
    * Sports ( Or any other hobbies )
    * Cold Showers
    * Meditation

    [ The "trick" is to keep your mind occupied on something else ]
    Daniel22 likes this.
  13. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    that´s why you shouldn´t hang around with negative people, just leave them behind, look for people that have some cool stuff going on in their life, people that are positive and motivated.

    They might be rare and most of the time popular but if you hang around with them, you become a little bit like them as well.
    Sometimes you have friends that just don´t know how stupid it is to be negative and point out any negative crap they can find, teach them so they can improve, tell them the benefits according to their interests, like if it´s a girl complaining 24/7, tell her, attractive males don´t like negative women.
  14. MyAwakening

    MyAwakening Fapstronaut

    1. Why is it the only time I can relax is when I draw in dopamine from a drag of a cigar or the sip of a can of alcohol as normally 8 second release.
      My pysch did say that is the quick fix like PMO then the feelings come back after the event.
      But in the stressful job I have in sales I can only mediate in a healthy manner when I am swimming training or in the big blue ocean in my boat.
      It must be an art to just go to another place away from two mob phs ringing and the Rollercoaster ride each day of making money or not.???
      March so far successful but still trolling Netflix and sbs movies but no PMO so still clean technically but urges are still to be controlled any pointers to keep me on track appreciated
    Daniel22 likes this.
  15. Daniel22

    Daniel22 Fapstronaut

    That looks like a great solution. Thanks mate!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  16. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  17. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    OP, get a full time job or begin schooling full time. One of those two is essential -- you need to keep yourself as busy as possible!
    Daniel22 likes this.
  18. MyAwakening

    MyAwakening Fapstronaut

    Yes keep busy and don't be afraid to get help from SO as that is what life is about real people and not photo shopped girls online
    Daniel22 likes this.
  19. Daniel22

    Daniel22 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to keep myself busy, it has been 2 days since I last time masturbated, I know that 2 days is nothing for y'all but I'm trying my best to not masturbate and keep doing something.
    BTW Thank to all of you guys, you guys are really helping me.
    Deadlihood likes this.