You're probably feeling just as I am now...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dylan Durden, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Dylan Durden

    Dylan Durden New Fapstronaut

    You sit on your couch or bed reading this, or in my case typing and have a heavy feeling writhing and worming inside that you want to allow to escape but have no way to release its tension. It's heavy, dark and creates a small void in your self. It's from a place you know all too well; a place that you have now deemed unequivocally false, so it ceases to exist in your reality but its cravings still linger. Similar to how it feels at the end of a TV show when the finale draws near and the time you spent gathering meticulous details about each character, vicariously living through their dramatic and intriguing lives, is about to end, you panic in search of something to fill this place you once felt safe and comfortable in.

    But you know it's a lie. This place I'm talking about is the old world, where women flocked to their Alpha commander at the click of a button providing a relief so real and chemically addicting that our mind created a false sense of Utopia where we thought we were living. It's gone now.

    Without this world, you are left to the harsh reality of something called real LIFE. This is a place that is not a made up world but a place YOU have chosen to reside in. This is where WE live.

    This journey began for me two weeks ago, but for you it may be the tipping point. And currently you could be feeling at an all time high, but perhaps there is a flat-line where reality has decided to make you feel again for the first time. We must embrace these emotions; they're real and make us human.

    This is the first of many posts, but here let's INSPIRE each other. We are in this together and to be a part of this community we will TAKE BACK THE LIFE THAT IS YOURS.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  2. Miss Winnie

    Miss Winnie Fapstronaut

    Honestly, what an epic post haha HUZZAH! Keep goin’ bud
    Dylan Durden likes this.
  3. Man it has been pretty difficult, but you described it so perfectly that it keeps me going.
    Dylan Durden likes this.
  4. Adam1983

    Adam1983 Fapstronaut

    Very true analogy!! We wrapped ourselves in a world that doesn't exist and forgot about the real world. I know that's exactly what I did. We will get there.

    Congrats on 2 weeks!!
    Dylan Durden likes this.