You can try to change your behavior....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by bludknight, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. bludknight

    bludknight Fapstronaut

    You can try to change your behavior, but you can't try to change the way you think overnight

    Today I realized that there are moments in the day when I have little urges because my head is thinking (Before this challenge I would be masturbating right now...) and it isn't a thought I can erase that easily. I've been able to change various behaviors that don't trigger my PMO (such as not lurking the usual nsfw sites), but I can't seem to change my way of thinking so easy.

    So, when I'm in those moments, the only thing I can do is let it pass.

    I read now and then on some posts that some people watch porn to reassure that they don't relapse, but in my opinion, you're only feeding your mind with a known process thinking pathway that sooner or later will get to you and make you relapse.
  2. Hi bludknight,

    Yeah, I don't even know how you can rationalize that watching porn will help prevent a relapse.

    It's funny that you say that about those thoughts. Sometimes I seem to have thoughts completely unrelated to PMO, sex or horniness, that seem to just be pushing me towards it anyway. I guess that's the addict brain talking. Things like that can really bog you down, so don't pay them any mind or they can cause a slip.. Keep it up!
  3. Volition

    Volition Fapstronaut

    This is a great topic Bludknight, thanks for posting.

    For me, up until this week I was rationalizing to myself that as long as I could go 2-3 days without looking at porn, I wasn't addicted. But now I see I was just bullshitting myself. For the past month, I went through a phase where I told myself looking at porn in small doses was the way to quell my urges, but it eventually led me back to a PMO binge.

    On your point about having random thoughts, I agree this is 'normal'. I have flashes of images in my brain from favorite porn stars, or even specific images that I used to watch a lot. They seem to rest just behind my conscious level of thought and pop out randomly. In the past that would have been when I would have gone and looked at porn, but now I am just letting them flash in my mind, accepting they are there, and not acting on them.
  4. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Completly agreed, i feel the same way with urges, even tho with the days are easier to control i just know that if you feed the process, as you put it very well it just gonna trigger a chain reaction to PMO and the shame/guilt cycle, its not overnight you are completly right, its gonna take a while like taking down a house brick by brick i guess