You can do it.JUST GET RID OF THAT SHIT(porn).

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by faiz ahmed, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. faiz ahmed

    faiz ahmed Fapstronaut

    I was once a porn addict and i am getting rid of it,i see myself reaching the dawn of a free me without porn and dirt.I was able to do this because i once dreamt of myself being at the finish line i.e here the dawn of a free myself.Look if you want to get get of this thing, think about how pure you will be when you are able to get rid of it and how awesome things will be.Think of yourself at the finish line.You will be successful because you love yourself being pure,because you have a capacity to do WHATEVER IT TAKES.YOU CAN DO IT.YOU WILL DO IT.

    YOU ARE PHENOMENAL,believe in yourself from the depth of your hearts:
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