
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Hello, I guess this is day 0 of 90.
    I'm 18 and about to leave highschool for college. Porn has caused massive problems for me and although I've tried, I haven't been able to stop yet. I figure now is a good time to get a handle on life and stop being pushed around by desires. If anyone has any help or ideas on how to better get involved with the community I'd appreciate it.
    Onward and upward.
  2. Now is an excellent time to get a handle on life, just before you're about to leave for college. Wish I was as mature a man as you when I was your age!

    You'll get a lot of help and support by reading and posting here. Ask away if your unsure of anything. Here's a top post to get you started.
  3. Thanks for the help, where do I officially start a reboot/join a challenge?
  4. I'm not sure, I'm pretty new here too. Ask in the rebooting section maybe?

    Also, don't worry about being too official. Today is your day 0 or day 1 right? Work out what you do/don't wanna do and for how long, and that's your challenge. Maybe start a journal and get an accountability partner.

    Personally, I'm on no PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) for 90 days. Your situation and goals might be different. In only on day 5 but I'm learning how to avoid my triggers and change my life permanently. I've started a journal and got a few guys I chat to and support on Kik and email to get help.
  5. Thank you for the help. I'll look around and see what I can find. I'm going to try for a 30 PMO and hopefully use my new free time to start something of a work out program. The goal for me it to take back some control before I go to college. Thanks you for the quick reply and welcoming me
    notonmywatch10 likes this.
  6. No worries. You can do it buddy!