Yo just starting, anyone starting today too?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BOtaxc, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. BOtaxc

    BOtaxc New Fapstronaut

    You know, I know about sex since 10 years old, and get started to fap around 11, I did it because it just felt good, by 14 years old, starts fapping with image of girls, by 15 realized fapping is not good. Tried to stop back then, but failed at week 1 (continous cycle), until 3/4 tries, then I was lost until 3 months ago (worsening one, begin to look at porns). 3 months ago tried until 2 months but failled again... Now getting on the feet again starting from day 1.

    Motivation? Firstly God, I meet Jesus 3 months ago, and a girl (I was rejected, thus I want to show her I can become better).

    If anyone start today, let's do it together!