Yet another life going to waste

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by dokiman, Apr 30, 2022.

  1. dokiman

    dokiman Fapstronaut

    Hi all this is my first post here after lurking for a few years. Here's my story:

    Early 40's, been watching porn almost daily since the late 90s. As the internet developed I became addicted to premium niche content and have spent thousands on pay sites over the years. I also have a voyeurism fetish and part of an online community of like minded individuals who post creep shots daily. I have hard drives full of porn and voyeur from 20 years of collecting.

    I used to socialise frequently in my 20's and 30's but things have changed and I rarely go out socially anymore. I prefer to stay indoors to fap and get high. I spend hours edging and watching hundreds of videos in my free time. Always had extremely lustful thoughts about women but never been in a relationship due to insecurities. Never even kissed a girl. Had sex only 4 times in my life and they were all prostitutes.

    The weight of all this gets heavier by the day and the side effects of this daily porn ritual are getting worse as I head into my forties. Tiredness, anxiety, depression, headaches, shoulder and neck tension, dry skin, low mood, no motivation, lazyness, procrastination. I still manage to hold down a decent job but my life is empty outside of it.

    Also dealing with rejection and silent treatment from a female friend a had feelings for. I use porn and weed to numb the emotional pain as she no longer wants anything to do with me. She cut me off with no explanation and left me to deal with it. I became angry resentful and frustrated as a result and live with this feeling daily.

    Nofap seems like mission impossible. I could never bring myself to delete my vast porn collection that has taken so much time and money to build. I know I must cut down my porn consumption but feel completely powerless over this habit and living alone with an internet connection and wide screen TV means it's always there.

    It's so easy to give in and so hard to resist. Sick and tired of living this way but very little motivation to change and nobody to encourage me. I feel weak, defeated and trapped wondering how life could be if I was not a lustful addict who buries his problems with porn and weed.
  2. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    Your first step is deleting that porn collection. As long as you have that...theres literally no point of trying.

    You gotta love yourself, you gotta want to be a better version of yourself. And that porn collection has you in shackles. Get out those shackles before attempting to escape that prison.
  3. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    You live alone? Try going two weeks without internet or tv. Disconnect your router and leave it at work. It'll be though, but it will be a good start for recovery.

    It's never too late to change. There are men on this forum a lot older than you. You can do it, if you want to. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
    Deusébom, Assyrian and Nugget9 like this.
  4. lifehasameaning

    lifehasameaning Fapstronaut

    Without a second thought, burn those drives. God sent you to this world for anything but PMO. God still loves you very much and has a lot of hope from you. He wants to give you one more chance, which is why you came across this forum. I hope you will not disappoint him.
  5. dokiman

    dokiman Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. I have many reasons to love myself but all my love is wasted on pixels. I do live alone which makes it very difficult to avoid. I struggle to go a day without fapping. Often long edging sessions well into the night with early starts. It takes its toll after a while. I know what I need to do but still very much in the throes of addiction. Destroy the collection I have just spent the last 20 years investing so much time and money into? No more internet access?? I just can't see it happening. I feel so trapped :(
  6. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I don't think you need explanation from the female friend - you've articulated it well yourself. Recreate your life.
  7. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    You always have a choice. Live the way you do now and waste away, or destroy your porn collection and start a new life. The choice is yours, friend.
  8. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    Just try one day at a time, that's all you can do. Try changing to better habits. NoFap changed my life to the point I see women see it in me that I don't do that crap. It's fun to watch.
  9. Seeeker

    Seeeker Fapstronaut

    Hey man. I feel your pain. You have a tough case. But hang in there.
    I would say contrary to many comments here, do not immediately delete your entire porn collection yet. That is an extreme move, and actually I don't believe it will help motivate you to actually quit for good. Quitting anything cold turkey is extremely difficult. I have deleted my libraries of porn in frustration, only to relapse and start watching porn again and searching and collecting again. Deleting your collection is symbolic, but it's too extreme. You will likely relapse, and you will want that porn again.
    Eventually though, you will have to get rid of it for good. But try and make some progress first.
    What we're looking for here are incremental steps towards improvement, to a point of finally kicking it for good (if that's your goal). I mean, people can't even quit eating gluten 100%. Moderation. Reduce. Bite size steps. This is more manageable.
    You can't say "I will be president of a company in one month." You have to break it down into manageable goals.
    If you jerk off hours every day, try to take a day off. Then two. Then try and go for a week. Take you hard drives with your porn collection and store them far away outside your house. Delete it in stages, bit by bit. This is what I have done.
    As far as social life, again, baby steps. Find an activity you can do once a week, get out of the house. Volunteer at the soup kitchen. Go for a walk. I don't know what your interests are, but you could join a gym, do yoga, meditate. Find a low pressure activity to re-introduce you to the outside world.

    You HAVE to get out of the house into the real world of people or your life will not improve.

    You may relapse, but this is normal. Go easy on yourself, and try again.
    But take a few deep breaths and think rationally about what you can do.
    I have also tried to quit several times over the years, only to relapse. It's normal. Right now I am on one week no P no M. It's not much but to me it feels like a year.
    Good luck dude.
    Deusébom likes this.
  10. DarkPassenger17

    DarkPassenger17 Fapstronaut

    You keep referencing the fact it took you 20 years to build your porn collection and you say it as if you will be throwing 20 years away if you erase the collection. My man, that collection is proof that that 20 years was already wasted. You need to delete that collection so you have a better chance at not wasting the next 20. It's the only way you will be off to a successful start, otherwise, strap in because you will never get off this roller coaster.
    Raven King likes this.