Wish I could warn porn users

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by WillBear, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. WillBear

    WillBear Fapstronaut

    I believe porn has ruined me from having rewarding love making for life. I wish I could warn all porn users. I watched lots and lots of porn for many many years. I never really chose to stop I just got to a point where it wasn't interesting anymore and I slowly found I wasn't watching porn any longer. It like something you just do too much of and get bored with it. There was no trouble I had just gotten too much and wasn't interested anymore. That was over 5 years ago. Now I am 40 and to this day I have no enjoyment in love making. My partner and I still have sex but it is like a duty and not something I find enjoyable. This was sure not true before I started watching porn. I couldn't make love often enough with my partner, we were always looking for a chance to make love. Porn burned me out on sex. I can do it but there is no joy there anymore, no excitement. I want to warn porn watchers that they can watch too much and burn themselves out on ever having enjoyable sex again. If I had known this when I started watching porn, I would have thought again about doing it. But I always thought I could stop and go back to the old way, NOT TRUE! Don't start is what I say.
    wastewater likes this.
  2. Wuugazi32

    Wuugazi32 Fapstronaut

    Same boat here, but I still love sex with my wife.
    Can't get enough! I just think porn desensitises us & ruins our natural libido.
    wastewater likes this.