Why do blue pills work (in this case)

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by R2DToy, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut


    I was wondering, why do the blue pills work in my case?

    When I have S without them, I notice my soldier goes down during thrusting. So the blue pills work for me. But why? So does this still make me ‘PIED’ or not?

    Could it be physical then? I only ever had S with prostitutes in my life. So I never had to experience if my soldier does work with a girlfriend. Seeing as with a prostitute it’s kinda more rushed, it’s basically with a stranger.

    Now my soldier can get up by itself, also have morning wood now and then, so I’m in doubt what the problem is.

    Ofcourse I know that I watch too much and non-vanilla P that sometimes doesn’t even have to do anything with actual S, so real actual vanilla S is a bit boring. Yet the blue pills do work.

    Anyway I’m so terrified to get laughed at or rejected by women in bed if they find out it doesn’t work properly. The worst fear being the word gets out and more people know. That’s a big reason for me to not even date. That’s how embarrassed I am about my problem.

    But what am to do..? P seems like the one of few (unhealthy) things that give me any joy. I know that I suffer from depression and anxiety, for many years. Seen many therapists and it’s slowly getting better but this soldier problem remains.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    The addiction is lying to you, bro. It tells you that IT is the only thing that gives you any joy... but in truth it's pissing its pants laughing at you. It steals your joy and flops your dick. It slowly ruins sex and changes your vocabulary so that sex... real sex turns vanilla. Your soldier needs to be put through boot camp. Think of a soldier in training: Discipline and more discipline. This is your path, brother.
    MeOnlyBetter and Mr Rn like this.
  3. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    Hey, bit late on the reply but here goes.

    Discipline is definitely a problem. I used to have more of it, I think, or at least motivation to improve. As I get older it starts to fade away slowly every day. Pandemic also got me down, and since that I lost some friendships, I'm especially lonely. Hell, still struggling with depression and anxiety.

    I don't know what else to say, but that it all feels a bit hopeless. There are moments I just feel dead inside. Like it's all lost and no hope for a future, the things I desire.

    This soldier problem is a big thing to me. S is one of the most - or should be - enjoyable things in life. It's straight up embaressing to have to tell a girl you need to use pills to get hard and even then I struggle to O. I really, really don't want a girl to know about this. What if she tells people?

    It's just so damn hard to stay positive and especially find the will to keep on going, to keep on trying. I sure hope this determinism thing doesn't exist. I like the idea of being able to change and improve myself.

    Anyway, maybe you have an idea as to why the blue pills work for me? I know the physical reaction, but like I said, I think my PIED problem is mental, and if that's the case, how come the blue pills work? They should only work on a physical, biological level - when there's a problem there.
  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Viagra relaxed the smooth muscle all through your body and opens up blood flow to all the right places. It works even on psychological impotence because something in your mind, on an unconscious level, is trying to fence in some kind of twisted sexual expression, and it does this by tensing up the smooth muscle and restricting blood flow. In short the psychological provokes the physical.

    Warning though: The psychological is much stronger than the physical. If you keep up with the addicted behaviour, mindset and personality, the blue pills will eventually stop working because your body will turn up the intensity on its attempt to control you. Your body is crashing you sexually because it fears for your life. It's saying "Stop"

    Of course it feels hopeless. Sometimes we have to crash,,, to hit rock bottom until we realize that the suffering is caused by us. The impotence is caused by us too.

    We all know the solution; sexual abstinence. You need to go as strict as you can. It might take ages. If you don't take the route of NoFap and all the restrictions necessary to starve the addiction, it will get worse and worse and worse. If you don't have a a girlfriend, resign yourself to a year of Monk mode. Completely forget women and sex for a year. Focus on a different part of your life. I mean what is a year if it means you can get your sex healthy and strong again?

    About the embarrassment: You don't have to tell girls at all. It's none of their business. If you fall in love with a good girl then you should be able to tell her. If she is a useless bitch who laughs at you, well it means SHE is no good. My wife has been very supportive and together we have watched my erectile capacity improve.... and that's after fifteen years of complete impotence. I got to the stage in which NO medication worked. I only STARTED to see improvement after six or seven months but it got steadily better from there. I basically had to tame the sexual dragon within to do that. I joined Sexaholics Anonymous. I went o a psychologist. Didn't have to hide it from my wife. Just a girlfriend.... just a girl I was dating, didn't have to know a thing. Now I realize that I shouldn't have bothered with girlfriends at all. I should have focused on my health and my career for at least a year. I realised I was a slave.

    So in short: Blue pills work on psychological ed.... until they stop working. Take decisive action now.

    I wish you well
    amine13 and Cyberpunk3000 like this.
  5. Trappy7

    Trappy7 Fapstronaut

    Pills worked for years with me, until they didn't.. why? I CONTINUED PMO the whole time, escalating genres and using it more and more. Coincidence? STOP NOW, DON'T LET IT GO FURTHER LIKE I DID AND MAKE IT 100 TIMES WORSE
    Nucleus and Cyberpunk3000 like this.
  6. Are you doing okay now?
  7. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    I definitely had PIED and pills worked for me as well except when I was in the deepest part of the addiction. They also worked for a friend of mine who also had a porn problem. We are both 50 years old though maybe that's a factor. Eventually I eased off of them by getting a girlfriend, and getting comfortable with her and eventually didn't need them. Once I was comfortable it wasn't such a big worry if I couldn't get it up sometimes. My girlfriend was very understanding and didn't laugh or make me feel bad about it in any way. I bet most if not every single woman alive has been with guys who couldn't get it up. It happens and is part of life
  8. Can I talk to you about this? I'm 32...
  9. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut
