Where is your fire?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MercenaryKing, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. MercenaryKing

    MercenaryKing Fapstronaut

    Where is your fire, o you god hiding in lead-skinned defeat?
    You are the hurricane, the tidal wave, the inferno. You are the tiger, teeth, sinew and deep vitality bleeding through darkened eyes like poetry. You are the Earth, a totality mesmerising in it's singular gravity and nuance- you're inimitable coastlines, continents boiling in cool focus for ends not yet met, with the fierce veracity of life. You stride through the world of men not contorted, not muddied, not slowed. You are relentless, in your stones and in your action. You set ablaze the path, defying endings, roaring your identity in the face of eternity. You hold the torch aloft and illuminate the stars themselves.
    There can be no fatigued illusion, no ensnarement in systems of your own design, clouds of doubt no more solid than mist on glass and breath in the wind. All is now. Here. In your very bones sits the encompassing multiplicity that is yourself: enigmatic, simple, pure. Beneath the dirt and grit, the bulletproof core. It is the stuff of men, of gods. It is everything. It is you.

    * * *

    Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by thought and worry. Thoughts and feelings come and go like clouds. You are the blue sky. And you KNOW, viscerally, underneath all the shit that masks it - the limits to your abilities, your own self-image, the words of others - that you are a man. You are a force of nature, humble in his mortality but powerful in his tread. There a fire inside you. Maybe it's lost. Maybe you feel exhausted, a husk of yourself. Maybe you're drowning in your life and it's circumstances and you feel like a child.
    But there is a fire.
    Deep down. A spark of vitality that resides in us all. It's in you. Sit for a moment and feel it now, hot in your gut. Kindle it, feel it rise. That is the power within you, the energy, the drive, the raw masculine core of your being. It can never be extinguished.
    Let the fire burn, with you in relaxed control. Let it fill your body, curl at your fingertips, sizzle from your pores, burn in your eyes. You can see it can't you? When someone else has the fire. They're unstoppable. They have recognised an fierce, unchanging stability, solid but dynamic, fluid and powerful. Women catch their breath. Men respect them. This is not an elite energy, it is in everyone. It is in you. You feel it when you're working on things you're passionate about, reaching towards your goals. When you engage yourself in the process of living, of being vital in the here-and-now and strive for betterment and creation.

    Where is your fire? You know it's there. Underneath your doubt and avoidance, your shame and your anxiety. It is potential. It is eternal. It is you.

    Claim your manhood, your power, your vitality. Use it for good.

    After all, the greatest trick god ever played was forgetting the power at his fingertips.