What are your biggest challenges with women?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by vibemaker, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey guys,

    I'm currently researching for a personal study.

    I would highly appreciate it, if you would answer the following questions.

    1. What are your biggest challenges when it comes to meeting other women (approaching & dating)?
    2. What are your biggest fears when it comes to approach a women you don't know? And what are your biggest fears when it comes to taking out a women you just met?
    3. If there would be a really good course about 'getting good with women' which problems would you really like to be solved by that course?
    4. Do you see your shyness with women as a huge barrier for your success and why?
    5. Do you think being an introvert is ruining your dating life?
    6. What do you think women like most in men?
    7. What do you think you need to change in yourself and your personality to get all the women you desire most?

    Thanks a lot & stay free.


  2. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    Getting my bf% low enough and taking good pics for my OLD profile.

    edit: also finances
  3. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    1. The women who I'm interested wouldn't really go to typical places where you meet women (clubs and parties), so I just assume that almost all women at those places aren't my type.
    2. If a girl excessively drinks and loves getting drunk. Really quickly lose interest in people who drink super heavily. Additionally, if she's drunk she's more prone to do something really awful and will regret.
    3. How to tell if a woman is interested in you, easily the biggest setback in my opinion.
    4. I can text like the most confident man on earth but really rarely talk and start up a conversation with them in person, they usually have to do it first.
    5. It certainly hinders it but the women I'm really interested in will find a way to get past it.
    6. Their charisma / presence in a room.
    7. My confidence when it comes to approaching women in person, and how easily jealous I get. I could text a girl all night and we talk a little bit in the morning, but get really frustrated when she talks to a friend of mine really briefly and it shows when we text.
  4. KOD19

    KOD19 Fapstronaut

    1. The biggest challenge is personal anxiety and fear of rejection. I know the interaction won't be as bad as I think but I would really say ego gets in the way.
    2. I have to get out of my own way. I start thinking too much about the kind of person they are and finding excuses not to talk to them. Biggest fear is that it is super awkward.
    3. Approach anxiety and attracting women to come up to you first.
    4. No. I can attract women I'm not attracted to. If I wanted to, I could be successful with them.
    5. Hell yes
    6. Confidence
    7. I need to be less judgemental, get over myself/my ego, not take myself so seriously, and accept that there are plenty of women out there that I am attracted to and that women are attracted to me if I let them.
    Mad-Hatter, quit@porn and vibemaker like this.
  5. Pedro Neto

    Pedro Neto Fapstronaut

    [Man how do you approach a girl if you have white hairs in good quantity and how to start conversation and make her like you. I want to approach girl to make gf and how to get rid of nervousness while talking to girl.I get really nervous and run out of words to say even before your hot sister.how to be more confident and less nervous and by what mindset you could hold eye contact.
  6. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    1. White hairs don't matter. I heard a lot of women say they actually find men who already have white or grey hair very attractive.
    2. You start a conversation by saying "hello". It is really that simple.
    3. You can get rid of your nervousness, by starting to work on yourself. Practice meditation regulary. Leave your comfort zone as often as possible. Work on a goal that is not women related.
    4. It's easy to hold eye contact if you get rid of your porn habit. It really just comes naturally then.
  7. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    1. Personally: Putting walls between me and people, which causes me to come across sometimes as scary to some. It changes one you've talked to me for a while. That and the fact i tend to emote little (i do just not very much) could be a challenge in this case.
    2. I try the best i can to not view this person as girlfriend material the moment i meet her. I used to make that mistake a lot when i was younger. Once i got that out of the way i find any excuse as to initiate a conversation. Could be asking for the time or a detail i noticed. The first conversation doesn't necessarily need to have a date as a goal.
    3. I do not believe in those courses, for the most part i find them a waste of time and many of the ones i see seem to view women as robots or machines with an instruction manual. Which i find absurd. But in order to answer this question i would say build confidence and the best version of yourself. The rest should come naturally
    4. I used to believe this, and used to be a lot more shy in the past. But i understood being single has nothing to do with being succesful. In fact the term "success" is very subjective and depends heavily on the values each person has.
    5. I am an introvert yet i am not sure on how to answer this question. I don't find a problem with being an introvert really.
    6. For the most part confidence and living a life of your own which you can feel good about living, partner or not.
    7. I personally don't care about "getting all the women i want" and honestly that is not what i desire. What i'd answer this question is would be becoming more open, being more expressive, being more welcoming and not put armed walls between me and other people. I'm working on becoming a better human being, i believe along the way someone i can be happy with and share my life with may appear. Something wholesome and fulfilling.
    Mad-Hatter, Metis07, Captain! and 2 others like this.
  8. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    1.The biggest problem for me is to start conversation... ( male ego) and fear of not getting nit good response leave about rejection..
    2. Frankly now I can understand, after nofap that women could have easily read guys.
    Really now I know I used to see girls only from one angle ( physical)
    3.sometimes I feel that my xonvy is out of sink with the girls. I sometimes go on to much of talk on bigger things than they enjoying lighter things ( like hanging out, markets and all) which I find difficult .
    4 introvert yes it does hamper.
    Changes: need to be seen as responsible, need to start first, initiative from my side.
    Try to be less philosophical. Haha
    vibemaker likes this.
  9. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    1. What are your biggest challenges when it comes to meeting other women (approaching & dating)?
    - less convidience
    - introvert personality

    2. What are your biggest fears when it comes to approach a women you don't know? And what are your biggest fears when it comes to taking out a women you just met?

    - Rejection because you are not good enough or ugly
    - Her friend is around you didn't recognized and he gets angry

    Meeting women:
    - She finds out, that you are a loser
    - She is bored und you have during the complete date the feelting that she wants to quit asap

    3. If there would be a really good course about 'getting good with women' which problems would you really like to be solved by that course?
    - Dealing with rejection
    - Built up selfestime

    4. Do you see your shyness with women as a huge barrier for your success and why?
    5. Do you think being an introvert is ruining your dating life?

    6. What do you think women like most in men?
    - convidience
    - social men with many friends and very communication
    - alpha male behaviour

    7. What do you think you need to change in yourself and your personality to get all the women you desire most?
    - complete look has to be changed
    - buit up convidience
    +TenPercent and vibemaker like this.
  10. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    1. What are your biggest challenges when it comes to meeting other women (approaching & dating)?

    - Initial nerves cold approaching
    - Showing interest/asking for a number once conversation has started

    2. What are your biggest fears when it comes to approach a women you don't know? And what are your biggest fears when it comes to taking out a women you just met?

    - Fear of rejection with approaching
    - I find less fear with dating itself: fear of running out of talking points would be No.1 but nothing compared to initial approach stuff above

    3. If there would be a really good course about 'getting good with women' which problems would you really like to be solved by that course?

    - Logical explanation of biological reasons why fear of rejection manifests, and how it can be acknowledged but does not need to be accepted as truth or inevitable

    4. Do you see your shyness with women as a huge barrier for your success and why?

    Yes, when I am shy I don't take as many risks socially, which gives me far less opportunities to meet women. The reverse is true if I stay away from 'fake' online women (porn/social media), the desire outweighs the nerves more often.

    5. Do you think being an introvert is ruining your dating life?

    Not long ago I would have considered myself an introvert, and in retrospect I was not that great of a dating prospect for women.

    I believe trying to be more social is important for dating passively and actively. Passively by casually learning communication skills, norms, and habits, and actively by simply creating more opportunities to meet women in the process.

    6. What do you think women like most in men?

    - A drive/passion: not just a job, but a few things they are passionate about i.e. values and interests
    - A desire for their partner
    - Masculine traits

    7. What do you think you need to change in yourself and your personality to get all the women you desire most?

    - Continue developing myself (social, health, career, etc.)

    - Show my desire towards real women only (strenthen the neural wiring pathways for meeting real women, while ignoring and weakening the old neural pathways for looking at fake images online)
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2020
    Mad-Hatter and vibemaker like this.
  11. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Thanks for all your awesome replies, gentleman.

    If anyone wants to add something, please do.
    Mad-Hatter likes this.
  12. 1. Fighting negativity and nervousness.
    2. Approaching: If shes too young or too old (I'm 17, so anyone over 18 will most likely reject me and I don't dig chicks under 16 atm). What if she has a boyfriend? What if she or other people make fun of me (okay I know this never happens but it's a legitimate fear) I've scored a few dates, but I've cancelled them all so idk anything about the second part.
    3. I don't think there's any need for a course about 'getting good with women'.
    4. Well yeah, It's pretty hard to approach a girl when you're a nervous wreck because you will likely make a fool out of yourself in front of her.
    6. Maybe every woman is different? Some want a mature man, some want a powerful man, some want a shy man, some just want a man with a big dick.
    7. I think you just have to be yourself. Out of all the girls I asked out, I got rejected by the ones I tried to 'act' confident and funny around. I was just being myself around the ones who said yes.
    vibemaker likes this.
  13. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    Currently feeling a ton of sexual anxiety because I’ve never been able to orgasm with PIV or oral. Not sure if it’s worth having sex if we’ll both feel like shit afterwards
  14. Probably the fact that I don't know any women.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  15. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    I find it difficult to predict their intentions.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  16. That too
    thinking_differently likes this.
  17. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    Ok but I could barely feel anything and couldn’t maintain an erection
  18. Solidstate75

    Solidstate75 Fapstronaut

    This is interesting as Ive asked myself the question of if I even want to bother to date any women at all anymore. Ever. I am still young-41 in good shape and have never had a problem dating or finding a woman/women. I am not as social nowadays minus the pandemic ,I am career oriented but aside honestly will tell you what Ive heard many women say as well dispite having a few disagrements w/ your question in all.

    Im tired of hearing "why are you single? How are you single? So much the fact that I dont even talk about my private life to anyone anymore. Anyone- this is a first.
    Social media has literally ruined dating and made it a disposable commodity that rewards people who commodify individuals and incentivize no moral compass. Or,at best,it takes an already overwhelmed individual and subjects them to a host of non stop disposable negatives while introducing old issues in a new unseen form.
    Dating is the same. People... act different. Every person Ive dated has been through some form of these issues. Its when your exposed to it again and again and again that you realize-this is actually lowering my quality of life. An no,its not-"thats all in how you look at it" . Getting shot at repeatedly can keep you on your toes as well but doesnt mean its healthy. The last woman I met was amazing actually . We shared A LOT. It was unreal. Yet she lacked the ability to see past herself and be objective because she had lived online and through an alternate reality she created for herself mentally(defense mechanism). Life is about the present and its realative exsistance in the larger part of our world. The online community if you think about it doesnt come close to the experiences you could have traveling with another,waking up next to someone while the sun creeps in on your off day, cooking this meal and good conversation, trying a new route home or a late night movie night on the couch. These are human interactions. No free market can improve or duplicate,expand on or grow it,or share it w/ everyone an if someone tells you so they are either lying to you or ignorant. Either way,thats your answer.
    So in your book or study make note , this is not a coarse to be sold-so no. I would not now nor would I ever buy a coarse. The only fears I have about dating nowadays is the one many do,your just not asking the right question and that is does this bs of ups and downs, new relationship starts,stops ever end? Do you ever get to find someone to do this right? Does our economics of it all ever get sorted out so we can all live like human beings again(not talking about the pandemic either)- fear? That we all are forced to live a sub par exsistance w/ many so so relationships instead of a quality life. Or non get any at all so some of us are told "we are lucky".
    Im not an introvert- I just dont know if I care to date at all anymore in that society.
    Woman are being programmed by (possibly individuals like the originator of this thread) in western culture especially to belive and strive for the money life. Men already fell prey. Dont write a book or blog on those topics. Write about how social media and internet dating have exacerbated the issues you speak of. If your truely coming from a positive angle that would be far more benefitial. If i may say,this community here is full of a lot of amazing individuals. Ive started to see far more things like this pop up here and I hope it doesnt dilute the quality of the community that Ive known,seen and had the positive benfit of stumbling into. We are not a study-an while many may enjoy taking part of it,dont seek to exploit it please.
    Deleted Account and Mad-Hatter like this.
  19. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    Biggest challenge: take them seriously
    Biggest fear: take them seriously

    Word of advice: go do something meaningful w your life . Truth cannot be extracted from opinions of masses. All your questions are answered, for instance, in chapter 2 of Schopenhauers main work die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung II...
  20. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    Im not a fan of giant walls of text but I appreciate you saying this
    Deleted Account likes this.