What are the lies that you tell yourself?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Cola, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    I was struggling last night not to relapse because my mind was telling me, "You haven't gone too far, yet. You can start again tomorrow". At this point, I was literally about to type into google something I shouldn't, but then I closed my computer and walked away.

    That got me thinking into wanting to find out what are some of the lies that your brain tells you when you start getting urges?

    I believe it's important to be aware, so that next time you can counterattack it with an opposing thought.
    MeTP, ChristianWarrior and Kim hanson like this.
  2. Kim hanson

    Kim hanson Fapstronaut

    That is Satan. He tries to Whisper evils into your heart. Keep on rejecting his invitations towards evil and consequently your will power will increase
    Cola, ChristianWarrior and Dragon Al like this.
  3. Kim hanson

    Kim hanson Fapstronaut

    the worst time i suffer is when i successful days without PMO and the things that come in my mind is " type some words on google "for research purposes" as soon as i do that i find myself relapsing worst of relapse
    ChristianWarrior and Dragon Al like this.
  4. Comets

    Comets Fapstronaut

    If you ever feel like restarting, make sure you don't. It doesn't help with the addiction. If I were you, I would replace your PMO habit with something else.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  5. I get similar lies.
    Some of them for me are:
    -Just one last time. You can go on a long binge and then you can quit for real.
    -I don't feel ready. I miss porn.
    -I already feel like crap. At least porn will feel good in the moment.
    Cola likes this.
  6. Congrats on not relapsing.
    Some good opposing thoughts are "Porn isn't an option", "Just get to 90", "Hey brain, you are a liar, screw you", and "I already know what it's like to relapse. Let's see what happens if I don't".
    Cola likes this.
  7. " Feeling like shit during PMO days and now on NoPMO feeling aso like shit so it's better to PMO than not"
    It was constant thought and I was nearly relapse but since my mood improved I manage them well.
    Simply just don't believe in everything your mind is telling you ! :)
    Cola likes this.
  8. john wheel

    john wheel Fapstronaut

    I've screwed up today - I can't make a clean day until tomorrow so might as well binge...
    Cola likes this.
  9. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    Agreed. Satan often slips his dirty head in when you're feeling most confident and then next thing you know you're back in the same habits.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  10. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    I was able to get to 30 days and then I slipped back in because I felt like I could occasionally do it, but I realized that I need it out of my life forever. There's no going back.

    I agree. When I went on my 30 day fast, I mixed prayer, yoga, meditation and physical exercise into a nice cocktail and it seemed to work perfectly.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  11. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    Definitely can relate to all of these inner conversations. That's why it's so crucial to remember why you're on this journey in the first place. Does wonders counteracting these negative thoughts.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  12. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    Thats a tough one. I've recently found it beneficial to just get up and go for a walk during those times. It allows me to clear my mind.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  13. Cola

    Cola Fapstronaut

    Thats major. I can't tell you how many times that has gone through my head. "Oh, I'll start on Monday. I'll binge this weekend since I slipped and I can easily start back on Monday". False.com.
    ChristianWarrior likes this.
  14. I can totally relate.