WetDream mental setback.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by zippytime, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. zippytime

    zippytime Fapstronaut

    So. I'm still resolutely on plan. No PMO or mo for over 100 days. But I just had a vivid wet dream that involved some of the fetish stuff I used to obsses over. I'm obviously concerned as I want to put that objectification behind me and it concerns me that in thus dream I climaxed to something I am mentally trying to block.

    What does this mean? Am I so hardwired from years of pmo that it's always going to be lurking in my mind?

    It's not a reboot as I had no control until I woke with a feeling of guilt but I do view it is a setback.
  2. ryantaylor1996

    ryantaylor1996 Fapstronaut

    a wet dream is a normal way to release your stuff

    it's perfectly normal and you should be happy because your body is starting to return to normal! he proud man
  3. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    I also think that wet dreams are the natural way of the body releasing excess sperm or just tension. But I want to point out that this year I've had two wet dreams where I'd previously watched porn or porn substitutes. So we have a say whether they happen or not too. My cousin says he stops himself having sex in his dreams constantly. He completed a 100 PMO free. You should also abstain willingly from fantasies along with porn.
  4. zippytime

    zippytime Fapstronaut

    Cheers guys. It's not the physical I'm concerned about. It's the mental images. I try to conciously block any inappropriate thoughts or objectification of women as soon as I recognise it. And think I'm in controle. But it's the vivid image of the dream. It worried me.

    Today at work. I'm still on fire I'm still in control and winning this battle. I was just a bit bowled over by the fetishist nature of the dream. No chaser effects and to be honest I've forgotten most of the dream now already. So I'm sure it's nothing, but. It's a reminder of the neural pathways I've forged over 25+ years of fapping to P.
    You mentioned you know someone who can stop his wet dreams! Wow. That takes some self control.
  5. zippytime

    zippytime Fapstronaut

    Has anyone esle discovered a way to wake themselves and prevent the wet dream climax?

    It happened again. It's more the mess in the bed I'm fussed about. (The irony being it never used to bother me and I would regularly fall asleep covered in stuff).
  6. zippytime

    zippytime Fapstronaut

    Hey all. Anyone able to advise on the above. 170 is days hard mode and again this morning awoke to fetish wet dream.

    As before its more the nature of the dream than the physical release. What can I do to cleanse my inner physical phyce and stop these fetishist dreams. It's not who I want to be, and I feel it causes me a mental setback.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  7. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I am right there with you. They are so realistic that I felt disgusted when I had one. Mine wasn't watching porn though, mine was cheating on my girlfriend. Talk about shaken. Unfortunately they are a natural thing we cannot do much about. Some people advocate and say meditation has solved the issue for them.
    I think continuing to train your brain to think pure and move away from lusting is the only way. I am sure people claim one thing works or another, however everyone is different. It is hard to say.

    Focus on clean thoughts, unless you are married nudity should be avoided. If it is in a movie, turn your eyes, keep scrolling, etc. I wish you the best!
  8. mudasir

    mudasir Fapstronaut

    yes same as pmo do PC exercises
    ..........daily three time 30_count each for 5second....