Water Fasting

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by thejoyprovider, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 6 - Morning
    Good morning. I am working from home (web developer). The last years I have found it difficult to work around people (and I am a bit of the traditional working system anyways) but I don't think I would have a lot of problems.

    My only problem now is after started drinking distilled water is hard to go back to tap or spring water. But because I wsa in the limits of dehydration I drank from the tap today until my personal distiller in in place.

    I was wearing glasses yes. Now I can see very far away, small details and with a broaden vision (like more angle). Only thing remains is a bit of a floaters but they will go away.

    As for pain etc. I got nothing exept a bit of tiredness but I have not been drinking sufficient amounts of water last day something I need NOT to do today.

    When you are fasting drink at least 2-3 liters per day.
  2. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    I would like to try water fasting, but I would be afraid of losing muscle and not getting enough protien/vitamins...
  3. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    We are our experiences. No one knows better that you ;)
  4. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 6 - Middle of the day
    I feel like I don't even fast. Totally relaxed, up-spirit, zero hunger, feeling my guts being cleaned out. And kinda a lot of energy. Thinking about running a bit today!

    Also my veins start to become more visible and I start to have a really positive spirit.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  5. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 6 - Evening
    oxins Toxins Toxins. I just went to bed and start dreaming about bad situations 2 years ago. I have a theory. As the layers of fat are being burned away time over time all the toxins released back at that period are getting into the bloodstream. This triggers all kind of emotional events and dreams. (Brain works on substances too. Try drinking 5 cups of coffee and medidate at the same time ;) ).


    Just as the layers of a tree that year after years tell a story - Fasting travels back in time in all that shit you experienced and you keep carrying around until.....you are present to now. (Yes it goes deeper and deeper.) (Until you are just like a kid once again. Totally experiencing this very momemnt. Toxins are just noise ;) )

    Peeing is a bit yellowish with strong odor as excected and there is a small tiredness going around. Make sense as I feel all my energy is on detoxification once more ;)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  6. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - Morning
    I developed RLS (restless legs syndrome) after extremelly bad eating habits (and huge quantities) when I was around 22. Last night I noticed that after a lot of distilled water RLS was extremelly intense. I felt pressure in my liver and my kidneys and after a point it all stopped suddently. I felt like the water cleaned something inside of me (still a long way to go though).

    This morning my eyes were yellowish and my tongue had more of a white coating. I realized how much of a cleansing is going on.
    Other than that energy is pretty ok and I in a while I will have my own personal water distillation machine (homemade out of a pressure kettle - some copper tubing ) in my kitchen.

    Distilled water and deionized water (in my case...until today at least) is very important as it draws out all the nastiness from the body.

    Also check this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xhlIIueZY

    It is all connected. When you are in fasting you enter ketosis mode and you burn more fat. Actually fat is the only thing you burn. You own fat. That releases the toxins for a start (yellow eyes, white coating, yellow strong pee) and secondly fat is what the body likes more than Grains.

    That means after the fast you go into a full English breakfast? No. You start progressivaly with juice, fruits, vegetables and then you start taking the fat intake more.

    Quite more interesting is that even in the last South Park episode they mention this. People are starting to wake up.
  7. napionder

    napionder Fapstronaut

    Awesome, I have wanted to do a water fast for 2 years now. But haven't found the courage yet. Once I did it for 2 days, it was pure hell. Still would love to do a longer one.

    Good luck!
  8. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - Middle of the day
    As long as I get hydrated good energy levels are awesome. Still on deionized water. But building my own water distiller.

    Thinking about running a bit today.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
  9. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Pure hell can be relative. I had immense headache around day 3 (should be around the journal) but I recognized the pain as the same as coffee withdrawal and heavy hangover. Fasting is actually this. A heavy hangover.

    Ever heard about people drinking a bit of alchohol at each hangover because they cant stand the symptoms? The same happens with food. It's the same ;)
  10. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - Evening
    Shoulder pain on the left and a bit of a backpain. Again as expected. Past traumas etc etc finally healing propably.
  11. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - Night
    I found out that drinking distilled has a major difference. I am drinking my own distilled water from the home made machine and it is really fast in cleansing. I feel my liver literally being pulled of nasty stuff and urine, well as excepted yellowish and smelly. This is amazing. Mind is super sharp and vision as well.

    Also using distilled water on skin and hair has amazing results.
  12. SuperGxz

    SuperGxz Fapstronaut

    What a strong willpower you have...
  13. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 8
    Just distilled 4 litters of my own water and drunk around 2 litters. The energy levels with sufficient water is in high constrast compared to a low water day. (I had issues trying to get distilled water in the past before the home made machine).

    I feel energetic and normal. No high spikes of energy (as I used to) or lower energy (close to depress). Stabilized and healaing. The pain in the liver goes away, the hair starts to become more brownish and the eczema behind the ear is gone long time ago.

    Vision is not only sharp but also adjustable in the dark faster and also feels more wide angled.

    Check a very interesting documentary called Food Matters:
  14. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Day 8 - Night
    Slept like a baby at the evening and went a bit of a running at night. Running with small breaks. I could feel the metabolism going way higher faster as the running happened and also felt a bit of a toxins being released there.

    Fastening is a time machine travelling backwards to your toxins as layers of fat being burned of.
  15. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Have you really not eaten for 8 days? That's mental o_O
  16. I am extremely interested in your journey but man, the link for Food Matters, you should put a huge trigger warning, 90% of the related videos proposed are porn
  17. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Hate to bring you hope (as this world is totally upside down these days) but it's not. :)

    I never stopped eating. I am burning my fat right now and my brain signals of hunger are 100% off. I am surrounded by food but not into eating.

    when the fat cells are burned taking away all the toxins of the body, the body will signal the true and only hunger. If the fast is not breaked at that point you go into starvation mode.

    I was amazed also the first moments when i red about people going into fastening for days until a little researched brought light.

    Youtube, google...the bible, holy books, budhism, ....is full of fasting ;)

    Welcome to the real world.
  18. thejoyprovider

    thejoyprovider Fapstronaut

    Well did not know that but it does make a difference? Focus on putting it on full screen instead watching the similar. You don't want something 'similar' in your life. You want..your life. Don't you ;)

    Also you have knifes in your kitchen. That could be a trigger to kill your self?

    Or it could be a mean to cook delicious salad? (even though cutting food with our hands is even better).

    It is all a choice. Are there really triggers despite the ones we carry around us all the time?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  19. I don't care for myself man, I care for newbies. It's totally different for me. I love to be triggered but I remember when I was at a week and this is definitely the kind of stuff that would drive me into hell so it's just about thinking about others. I'll never relapse, I don't care.
  20. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by when you say your fat cells are burned away taking away all the toxins? Do you know what fat is? Lipids. Do you know how lipids are created? Through excess, unused glucose and carbohydrates. I'm not sure where you have this notion of toxins within the body. Sure, you're burning your fat storages, but what you claim about the toxins is definitely false.