URGENT! I cheated. I need help.

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Sondae, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I’m going to try my best to get right to the point. I need urgent help because I am pretty much freaking out right now.

    I have a pantsing fetish (the prank where you pull someone’s pants down). My girlfriend does not know, and she is definitely not into it because she gets annoyed when I pants her. So, I have no way of participating in my own fetish.

    I have a friend group, and in that friend group two of my best friends are dating each other. The guy went off to college, the girl is still here in our town. I have a history with this girl and we’ve always been meaning to pants each other, but it hasn’t worked out. When we both got into relationships, the plans went on hold. However, I’ve been getting desperate.

    I have a side business where I resell records and CDs, kind of like a second-hand online record store. She wanted two CDs that I had, and she was willing to pay a lot, so we decided to meet up.

    I began to become suspicious because every time she’d text me about it, the boyfriend would text me some meme within the hour. Coincidence? I dunno.

    When we finally got to meet for the transaction, it was late at night. We did the sale, talked for about 15 minutes.. and then I brought up pantsing. I pantsed her, and she didn’t do it back but she thought it was funny I think? And I kept trying to do it again. Eventually she got in her car and said she needed to go home. I kept saying she should pants me back but she said she needed to leave. I asked what underwear she had on and she told me. Then we talked about something else for a minute or two and left.

    When we went our separate ways we were in super good moods and there were no problems. The whole thing lasted about 20 minutes. But the thing is, she was supposed to call her boyfriend after but she obviously was late because she spent way too much time with me. So he got suspicious.

    She tells me that he confronted her about it and that he has a problem with how close we are (we genuinely are best friends and tell each other everything). She tells me she needs to just text me about it tomorrow after she visits her boyfriend at college. I text her the next day and she doesn’t respond.

    I see her briefly at school this morning, and I ask her to text back and she is like “haha sorry!”. I got the group to go get breakfast together after class, but she claimed she couldn’t go because of home responsibilities.

    I text her and call multiple times after to no avail. The calls don’t ring. She finally answers me and tells me that the boyfriend has asked her to stop talking to me. She says that she didn’t tell him about the pantsing but claims he is just suspicious and uncomfortable with how close we are and how much time we spent on the “transaction.” We clear a few things up, she promises to never tell him or anyone, and then I say I respect the decision and we end the conversation.

    Here’s the biggest issue. I don’t trust that she didn’t tell him about the pantsing. Because not only did she block my number and my social medias after the conversation, but the boyfriend also blocked me. That just seems VERY extreme for this situation, and it makes me wonder if she did actually tell him about the pantsing. But she’s never lied to me, never told one of my secrets, and never broken my trust.

    I’ve been exposed for this before. In 8th grade, I experimented a little and tried it with a guy. The guy told the whole friend group and I got ridiculed for it. Everybody forgot about it pretty quick, but I’m scared it will happen again. I’m scared my friend group will kick me out if they find out what happened, I’m scared somebody will tell my girlfriend and she’ll dump me, and I’m scared the whole school will think I’m a creep. I’ve done the pantsing thing or at least talked about it to a lot of girls, but none of them know It’s a fetish… but if word gets out, they’ll realize I’m going around trying to instigate pantsing between me and girls I know and I’ll be seen as a creep forever.

    I’m widely respected at my school and considered one of the nicest, most pleasant students. I’m super popular. And I really am a good person, but I just have this one inner demon.

    I need help. What do I do? What do you think will happen? PLEASE offer me advice.
  2. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Just a few other things:

    The girl said she is not upset with me and that the only reason she was ignoring me was because she did not want to upset her boyfriend. I believe her. I mean we have a history, she’s sent me pics before and we’ve done a few things. I don’t think she had an issue with what I did.

    The guy is one of my homies too. His girlfriend told me a lot about how he asks her to stop talking to guys that flirt with her. I don’t think she blocks them though, but I honestly could be fully wrong about that.

    Their relationship has had a ton of problems recently. He’s been texting a girl from the friend group a lot and it’s made the girlfriend suspicious. I’ve been giving her tons of advice and I’m the only person she’s told. She asked him to stop talking to her so much, but didn’t ask him to stop completely nor did she ask him to block the girl. He kept on talking to the girl anyways, and she kept getting on him and it’s still a huge problem.

    So there’s two possibilities: The girlfriend is lying and actually did tell the boyfriend about the pantsing, or the boyfriend is a control freak and is mad at her for making him talk to his lady friend less, so he’s overreacting as a way to get back at her.

    As for my girlfriend, I love her very much and I wouldn’t want to hurt her. I don’t plan on telling her, because I don’t think anything good could possibly come of it. I’m just very scared right now. I started this account specifically so I could improve myself for her, and I don’t want to loose this battle with my addiction in such a terrible way.

    Also, to be clear, all the pantsing stuff has always been consensual. I have never done it without asking if it was okay (kind of like how CNC is). The only reason I think people would find me creepy is if they found out it was a specific fetish or if they found out I do it with multiple girls. It’s not even that much different from doing any sexual activity with multiple girls really, it’s just the weird niche fetish that makes people find it weird.
  3. Unica Semper Avis

    Unica Semper Avis NoFap Moderator Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Hey, first calm down, if you nervous you won’t see clear. Second. She might have a douchbag boyfriend who really wanted to block her because obviously she is open for other man in her life. If she kept your secrets all these years, pretty sure she won’t start to tell everyone now, unless she is in a situation where she thinks she needs to defend herself. So in a longterm with this overbearing A-hole boyfriend she might feel to do so. I don’t wish to sugarcoat things for you. It has a chance - not a big one though - that she will talk.
    silex_jedi, Lady Blåhaj and Sondae like this.
  4. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I’m not sure if I just saw it wrong at first, but I’m pretty sure the girlfriend just unblocked me? She never unfollowed or blocked my secondary account, but I swear she blocked my main one. I just checked and it’s not blocked anymore. So maybe there’s hope.

    Her boyfriend however still has me blocked on both accounts so that’s concerning. Especially upsetting that I’ve just lost one of my best guy friends. I just hope it’s temporary and that he doesn’t find out about the pantsing. Maybe he will just think his suspicions were unwarranted and let her be friends with me again.
  5. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Yeah there is definitely a chance. He’s always been a super nice, quiet, guy. I’ve never seen him mad or hateful or anything, so this is unusual. The thing is though, him sending me memes and random messages every time I texted his girlfriend about the CD transaction is odd. This could mean that he is just controlling and he’s been suspicious of me even before the pantsing incident. Honestly that’s best case scenario. But yeah still a huge chance she may talk. Although I think the fact that he’s still talking to that lady friend means she’d be more willing to keep it to herself.

    Wave tamer likes this.
  6. Unica Semper Avis

    Unica Semper Avis NoFap Moderator Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    It feels her biggest concern is on the ‘flirting/cheating’ not the fetish. I sense that the pant thing is nothing more than a salt and pepper of the story. She is back in contact that is good you might as well can start an honest conversation with her. As for the boyfriend. Quiet ones are the dangerous one. He a control freak narcissist guy. Be careful with him.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  7. Liege Blåhaj

    Liege Blåhaj Moderator Staff Member

    Hi, sorry you are experiencing so much anxiety over this. Maybe this will help: to tell her boyfriend or anyone else about the pantsing she would have to admit to letting you pants her. I mean I'm personally not a prude when it comes to this thing. Pantsing someone sounds like a thing that anybody would be interested in. It's not weird to me. But from what you write sounds like you are worrying that your friends might not be so accepting. So yeah that condemnation is going to be on her mind as much as yours if she is thinking about telling someone. Not that I think she'd want to... you said she's never lied before. So I would trust her when she said she didn't tell.
    Sondae and Unica Semper Avis like this.
  8. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Pantsing is a crime. I wouldn't take this behavior so lightly
    Auggie likes this.
  9. Liege Blåhaj

    Liege Blåhaj Moderator Staff Member

    It's not a crime if it's consensual.
    Sondae and Unica Semper Avis like this.
  10. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    That's the problem. I'm not 100% certain that this would be considered consensual.
    Auggie likes this.
  11. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    As I said in the second part of the thread, which I’m sure you didn’t read, I treat it similarly to consensual non-consent. I make sure that it’s something they would either find funny or be into, and if they say the idea of pantsing them is not funny or uncomfortable, then I just won’t do it. It’s that simple.
  12. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    This is very good and helpful advice thank you so much!
  13. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Yeah I don’t really have any reason to think that she told him besides the fact that he blocked me, which makes me wonder if he knows due to him having such an extreme reaction. Although it would be odd of him not to confront me about it if he did know. It’s a very confusing situation which is why It’s so concerning to me.
  14. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    I think you're showing too much concern about avoiding the consequences of this behavior then about the fact that you crossed the line. It'd be one thing if you were doing this in the context of a committed relationship. However, she's in a relationship with someone. And so are you. How is this behavior beneficial to you? Don't you think that this would drive your current relationship with your girlfriend further apart? It's continuing to hold on to this fetish worth risking your relationship?

    So your girlfriend isn't into pantsing. Welcome to reality. Much of what we're doing here on nofap is about letting go of the fantasy to embrace reality.
    FacingmyDemon and Roady like this.
  15. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    Just because I didn’t clearly state my guilt doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilt. I wouldn’t be posting this on a literal porn addiction forum if I didn’t feel guilty. I didn’t want to bore the readers with my sob story in an already lengthy post, so I got right to the point. I have no idea why you’re so content on tearing me apart about this. I am fully aware of what I did and how it was wrong. I do not need to be told things I already know.
    KevinesKay and RacineRedeemed like this.
  16. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    And that's good to know. I'm glad you clarified that.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  17. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Actually when talking to addicts they do need to be told. They minimize and lie to themselves about their actions. Obviously you need to tell your girlfriend what you have done, but you seem to not understands that. He isn’t tearing you apart, he’s pointing out what’s obvious.
    Starling, Auggie, Roady and 2 others like this.
  18. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

  19. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    I of all people can’t or wont judge you,but I do reccomend you let go of this gal. Perhaps some day you can reconnect but don’t think it’s good timing with her current relationship, been there did that.not with pantsing , but interfere with a gf while she or I or both in a relationship.for her sake her bf is uncomfortable .sometimes it’s good to make a choice that hurts our heart but heals the soul
    Sondae and KevinesKay like this.
  20. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    It seems like her bf's suspicions might be valid. He can tell there's more than what he's being told. When you're the one who's being lied to, oftentimes you just know. Even if you don't know specifically, you still know something isn't right.

    Even if you aren't having sex with her, you are acting out your fetish on someone else's gf, and whether or not she's fine with it, her bf isn't and likely, neither would your gf be OK with it.

    Just because your fetish is easier to act on than some others doesn't mean you can freely do it. If you know that what you're doing is wrong (which is what you said), then you have to be the one to change that. I think as long as you and the other girl are being secretive, her bf is going to continue being suspicious...and rightfully so.