Tools to Success - 24hrs @ a time

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JR-62, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    My friend,

    Your question is a common one. I used to pray all the time that God would take away any sexual drive that I had so I didn’t have to deal with all of this. But having a sexual drive is part of being human. You must learn how to find peace and calmness inside of yourself. I know that sometimes you feel like you want to climb the walls. But I promise you with the right mindset and the right tools you will learn that you can manage yourself. And you will be able to have a healthy sexual relationship with your future spouse and it will be of so much richer then anything else.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

  3. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Great 24hrs
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  4. I've tried transmuting it and it didnt work. Now I just don't want a sex drive at all. No attraction to Women or anything. And it always happens around women which I can't avoid forever. So getting rid of it entirely would fix a lot more problems than causing them. What would go bad? I can't be attractive? I never was to begin with and have no social life. And besides a healthy sexual relationship is out the window for me as every time I've liked a girl ended in disaster. After the third time i just gave up on it and accepted being a loner. Feeling any sort of sexual energy just makes me want to break my head open and kill myself. Yesterday was atrocious and I kept punching myself and thinking of killing myself over it.

    Sorry for being a negative prick with this rant, but everything sexual energy based frustrates me and I don't want any of it.
  5. dkwarrior

    dkwarrior New Fapstronaut

    First of all, I have expirenced the same thing as you. You are not alone in these frustrations. Look man, I was a loner all my life. Sure I had a few friends in highschool but not many. And I never had a girlfriend in highschool. I liked many girls, but I didnt have the courage to act on that, because PMO screwed me up big time and becuase I had unhealthy expectations of other people. I still deal with these things, but I have started my journey to fix myself. Nowadays I have very few close friends, and I work about 12 hours a day. Sure I dont have a girlfriend or tons of friends, but I have just a small taste of self respect that is growing everyday. Someone once said that to start this journey you have to be okay with never having sex the rest of your life. It sounds horrible, but then you realize there is so much more out there to expierence than sex. My advice to you is to keep on the path and trust the process, wherever it might lead. Dont worry about girls. Focus on healing yourself. And once you have some self respect, other people will notice and feed on it!
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  6. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Okay, first off I love how real you got. That is the good stuff. But now it is my turn to be real. I was the definition of a loner I have been so emotionally screwed up for so long that it was my normal. But my friend I wish I could give you a hug and then slap you. Because I want you to know that I care but that I mean business.

    Our lives are defined by us. Every day we wake up and tell ourselves a story about ourselves. These “stories” are not filled with facts they are filled with ideas that we tell ourselves about facts. Examples
    Fact: Not everyone finds me attractive
    Story: I’m not attractive to anyone.
    Other possible story: There are women that find me attractive.

    I am calling your thoughts out on there bull crap. I challenge you to wake up everyday look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself the following statement. Zig Ziglar’s power statement. Listen to or read the book The power of positive thinking.

    No one is better then you, no one deserves more then you. But you must put in the time and effort to “convince yourself” of that.

    You are an incredible child of God. You can do this!!!
    Deleted Account and Jefe Rojo like this.
  7. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    I have had a great week. You can do this.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  8. Me too, had a great week. I just hit 30 days - nice milestone. :)
  9. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Quick update: I have been doing fantastic as of late. No P for coming up on 30 days. I did have an M reset yesterday. But considering everything, I am really proud of the progress that I have made and am making. Success never comes overnight. It comes from consistent efforts and small victories.
    It is going to be a fantastic 24hrs
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  10. Nice work staying away from P. And you made it several days without M. I’d call that a huge success.
  11. This week sucked bad. Big mistake not checking it nearly as often as I should be.
  12. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Good 24hrs, it is great to have your support. How are you all doing?
  13. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Had a good 24hrs. Knowing that I was going to get on here and share with you guys really helped me. I hope you are all crushing it. I keep replaying some P in my mind and I need some tools to help me pull back my thoughts in those moments. Thoughts suggestions?
  14. When I'm by myself and fantasizing, I blink really fast. It usually does the trick and I forget what I was thinking about.
    JR-62 likes this.
  15. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Good 24 hrs. Looking forward to tomorrow
  16. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Had a good 24hrs it sure feels good to have your support.
  17. IceColdKilla

    IceColdKilla Fapstronaut

    My mind is racing with thoughts but I know it’s just gonna be there and fade away in a few minutes. I’m going to battle it out for my sanity
  18. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I would encourage you to
    1. Stay strong
    2. I know that thoughts come and go, but you must learn to let go of the thoughts. Gritting you’re teeth and Fighting is like saying “don’t think of a pick elephant” you mind can’t help but focus on it. Instead acknowledge the thought and take a breath and just let it go. It’s just a thought let it go.
  19. JR-62

    JR-62 Fapstronaut

  20. IceColdKilla

    IceColdKilla Fapstronaut

    Yeah I guess I gotta accept thoughts as I’m only human. Currently working on fueling the energy into productive work. Next 24 hours gonna be lit
    JR-62 likes this.