To those who want to retain semen

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Racco, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Because of ignorance(lacking his true nature) one stuck in the pleasure-pain loop. All the efforts and practises to overcome the ignorance is strengthening it. Very few realises the futility of their practices and keep quiet.

    Everyone is wise if they are silent.
    Everyone is ignorant if they open their mouths.
  2. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    When man's effort meet the cosmic happening, he may feel proud of achievement because of his effort, this is ignorance and becomes bondage. All the man's effort are the efforts of the cosmic intelligence. You're not seperate from that intelligence. As per your intellect you may call it good or bad act but in actuality all that is part of the same intelligence.

    As you wakeup, tell yourself 'I'm the same intelligence that holds the entire cosmos in itself and by itself' and carry on with your day, nothing binds you and after sometime you realise you're freely flowing along with the cosmic happening and in total alignment.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Icewarrior likes this.
  3. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    I read a title of a thread, how to overcome anger?

    Anger is something natural and is meant for survival. In most cases what you call anger is just a frustration.

    An angry man don't sit and talk all the nonsense, he'll get into action that is required.

    Having hope that someday you no longer be angry man by practising meditation or other techniques actually burdens you and make you more frustrated.

    It is a waste of time & meaningless to eradicate anger. Anger is something important. Your problem isn't anger but frustration.

    Spend sometime doing sunbath or do sun gazing with closed eyes for couple of minutes. See to that you've enough Vit D for the body to efficiently tackle stressors, day to day challenges and to have joyous mood besides being active.

    Use wet cloth wraps around forehead & abdomen for 15-20 mins once or twice daily. Don't drink or eat while wrapped.

    See to that you intake enough Methylfolate through food or other means.

    All you've is ideas about anger but not the actual anger that is very important.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  4. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Walk you own way, don't afraid, you are unique and your path is unique. Live your expression!
  5. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Realisation of the truth destroys the fate aka genetical blueprint resides in your spine. What is left is unique and express itself in its own way.
  6. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Mind is a common inheritance from the mankind and what they thought, felt & experienced. Saying your mind and my mind isn't appropriate, there is only one mind and that is human mind and we all functioning in that space.

    Don't think there is something outside of the mind, all that is there is the projection of the mind and nothing outside.

    Mind is your servant and what is that YOU is the truth.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  7. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Be a son to the mother
    Be an husband to the wife
    Ba a father to the children
    Be a friend to the friend/s

    Don't let your spiritual journey affect the relationships.

    Spirituality is an inner matter.

    You've the capacity and the freedom of being detached from the identity. This is the way to be in the world & family.

    Act outside in the functional world
    Live inside

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  8. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Spiritual journey is something that there is only entrance and no exit. No way to fallback. Know this before undertaking the journey.
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  9. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Can you take the same water that you pour into the ocean? Impossible. Just an analogy to tell you that there is no reincarnation. Reincarnation, next life, previous life are just to keep the masses under control for smoothly functioning of the society.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  10. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Why am I discussing about spirituality and related in the thread about SR? Because most link spirituality and morality to semen retention. SR no way related to spirituality and morality. The semen along with the chemicals carry the vital life force. Wasting this life force makes the man to live mediocre life. Sexual force isn't different from the life force. This life force don't care about our idea of spirituality and morality. The life force is highly intelligent which express uniquely in different individuals and species. Thought is the language of this life force. Where as in humans, thought try to seperate itself from the life force and caused suffering & conflict.
    Icewarrior and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  11. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Racco, what happens when we die? Along with the body and personality etc, does our awareness of being die too?
  12. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    I'm not going deep into it, provide you the brief because mind can simulate and may not be good when not ready.

    You don't know anything about birth and death. A person seems functional in the world for others but for himself/herself don't know anything and what he/she is doing, few hours before the death. Death may be in any way but he/she can't experience his/her death.

    This death when happens the person is alive & fit, body can revive & renew itself, from then onwards the person's identity and the past disconnected and the body's intelligence takes care of itself. Such a person is natural and aligned with his/her true expression. When the body isn't fit to renew it goes gracefully as it knows there is no start & end for life. Even after death, the corpse has life but in passive and transforms to other life forms. Personality and awareness are your ideas and everything disappears along with the death.

    Actual awareness is the quality of the life which see through all the eyes, which hear through all the ears, which smells through all the noses. This awareness doesn't differentiate but our idea of awareness stuck in the choices.

    There are no multiple souls, only one soul(atma). Here the soul means the breathe. It seems like many because of our ignorance.

    The bodies are like batteries for the nature, it uses these energy to balance somewhere else and the death happens by locking the breathe.

    Don't think too much about it, let it surface, if it has to.

    Suppose if you taste that joy even a moment, you lose interest in the worldly affairs. What is the use of knowing it? Nothing. Better don't go deep into these matters. Just live the way you like.

    Don't believe in my words, abide to your understanding.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  13. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The field of consciousness is the construct of the intelligence through which it is aware of everything. Nature is the rules set by the intelligence through which the information flows. This flow we call it as energy. The intelligence is the doer of everything and also a non doer. The doer quality, we call it as creation and the non doer quality is the base. Taking the doer ship into our hands, we limit ourselves to our knowledge & beliefs.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    Yin&Yang-Yūki likes this.
  14. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks, Racco.
  15. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    If you want to understand something and explain it in words, it must be seperate from you. Truth isn't seperate from you. You can't understand through knowledge and explain it in words.

    You are the truth!

    All those spiritual junkies explaining the truth are just fraudsters.

    Don't bother much about spirituality, just focus on your life goals.

    Spirituality in simple words is being yourself.

    Don't waste your time, energy, money and space in spiritual matters. I certainly say, you don't get anything.

    Under appropriate conditions and readiness, the potential blasts everything in its path and surfaces. You don't have do anything for it. All the efforts and practises takes you away from your actual potential. Stop all your spiritual efforts. The potential itself chooses in which individual it should surface. All your efforts are waste in that direction.

    Its understandable to put efforts in the functional world to achieve something and it is needed also to claim your piece of cake.

    Even in SR, SR chooses you. My words seems weird but a fact.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  16. Magic Bullets

    Magic Bullets Fapstronaut

  17. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing the link. Actually I didn't watch the video but going through the title I thought to share my understanding.

    Let's think the universe is a bucket of water, if you drop a big spoon of salt and the salt dissolves and equally spread through each drop of water in the bucket. Universe don't have partiality. The fire burns both a sinner and a saint equally. All these ideas & concepts are in our heads. Likewise, all the pain & pleasure equally distributed. You might be thinking that a particular person has enjoying more pleasures, but from his standpoint he may not enjoying at all. You know, pain for a person who lost 100 bucks from his earnings of 1000 bucks is same as a person who lost 1000 bucks from his earnings of 10000 bucks. From different standpoints we have different experiences. I can't know what you experience from my standpoint, likewise none knows about my experiences. Entire cosmos is one movement and through pressure mediation it balances itself.

    You're the universe aware of itself. Because of you the universe exist, no existence of the universe seperate from you. Logic can't accept what I said.

    You can't force yourself to do SR and get rewards. SR chooses you and the struggle you go through to do SR is the preparation when the potential starts to express itself.

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
    Icewarrior and The Last Chance like this.
  18. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Truth decides in whom it has to surface. Once it decides, first it prepares the ground, SR is part of it.

    Worldly goals are achievable through intellect and efforts.

    Spiritual goals are not attainable, nothing in your hands. In a sense there is no spirituality, what you call spirituality is also a worldly affair. If you think you can attain, good luck.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  19. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You have a projection screen, a projector that projects motion images on the screen, this is about functional world. Screen is the field of consciousness, motion images are the world. Each image is an independent moment which holds the totality of the past, present & future. Unlike functional world here no need of projector, the field itself is self luminous and projects by itself and in itself. Doer of this happening is the intelligence and the field is its construct. All the happening is because of the intelligence's expression.

    There are differences in the image content but no difference in the field of consciousness. The world is like a mirage in the field of consciousness as if it is a hard reality, all that is happening because of your measurement.

    You aren't even the consciousness, you are that which is the source of consciousness.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
    The Last Chance likes this.
  20. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Will tell you an analogy to understand the actual moment.

    Say suppose a painter painting a group of people of different ages from 1 - 90 years. In the painting it may seem like the people of different ages but from the painter's perspective all have the same age as if they all born from his brush right now.

    The actual moment is ever fresh even though it holds the totality of past, present & future.
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.