Thread for Recovering Nice Guys

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by daleSlovinski, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. daleSlovinski

    daleSlovinski Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I'm posting this thread because I'm completing a program designed to help me stop being a "nice guy". It started with the discovery of this book, "No More Mr Nice Guy" by Robert Glover, an actual Dr who's been doing couples counseling for decades. I stumbled upon his work from this podcast, I absolutely recommend every man on this site to listen to it:

    What he's saying is that there's basically this epidemic of Men who are so concerned with being perceived as "nice" that they sacrifice everything that has to do with their selves. If you guys find that in relationships you hide your feelings to avoid disagreements or not start a fight, then you have Nice Guy tendencies. I have been guilty of this, and I realize that this paradigm of thinking is perhaps the real origin of my PMO addiction.

    I've started reading his book, and I'm honestly stunned and shattered in a way; the way I understood the world isn't the way I thought it worked at all. The way he describes the fundamental differences between how men socialize vs how women socialize is just ground breaking to me. I think he's spot on honestly. And I'm just going through the early stage of denial, realizing why I've been experiencing so many rejections through my life. However, I'm learning all this so I can grow and change these learned bad habits. I'm ready to stand up for myself. And this shift in attitude has honestly helped me so far in my PMO addiction. Realizing that it's a measure of my strength as a man has helped me do better at it.

    The book recommends that I reach out to a fellow Man to help me through my process so I have someone to talk to, so I figured I'd reach out here. I also hope other users will at least listen to part of this podcast. I think I'm certainly not the only man like this out here. I'm ready to unlearn valuing others over myself. It's not noble, it's abusive to me.
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