Think I have pied

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by freebsdsystem, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. freebsdsystem

    freebsdsystem New Fapstronaut

    I have watched pornography since I was 11 years old, I am currently 25, I just broke up with my partner 6 months ago, we lived together 5 years, I always had a bit of erection problems, but with kisses I got up (you know what kind of kisses), after the break up we saw each other again and my friend wouldn't get up, then I let two weeks go by without fap and we had sex about 15 times in a week, I couldn't get off, then I stopped seeing her and I had a new girlfriend, with her I tried to have sex but she wouldn't get up, I even feel my p was more small than normal, so I went back to watching pornography and to see if it goes up, sent her a picture, then we tried again and my p got up a bit and we had sex for about 10 seconds twice, after that it hasn't gotten up, now that I've stopped porn I can masturbate with my mind, which I couldn't before, what do you think it is? Thanks a lot
  2. TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn

    TakingMyLifeBackFromPorn Fapstronaut

    You definitely have a case of pied (Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction) (for any reading who don't know what pied is)

    Do not panic. I have had a lot of cases with pied aswell. They get better

    I had my first sexual experience not too long ago(which I regret).. I could not get hard. semi at most. I had to think of porn to even ejaculate.

    When you took a break/broke up with your old girlfriend, I assume you watched porn. You reinforced your wiring to crave porn instead of real girls. That's why you had ed issues. The only reason you had somewhat success for 10 seconds is because of Porn you probably had porn libido.

    My advice moving forward. Cut out all porn and all sexual anything. Do not even masturbate Do not even fantasize. My pied is getting better than before because of this.
    spoucyrax and Anonymous86 like this.