Starting to date advice needed

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by sir fappanot, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    Sup y'all, I'm a guy who could use some advice. On the nofap game, I'm doing fairly well, but I just need some advice and guidance how to now take some of the success I'm having an outwardly manifest it into cultivating a real relationship.

    I don't know how to start a relationship. I don't know how to initiate sex. I don't know if I'll be able to preform.
  2. doctor_warren

    doctor_warren Fapstronaut

    Hey Sir. Fappanot, you have a awesome name btw. Here are some videos if I may I point out to you what gave me confidence:

    This one is an absolute must watch, it's entitled "How to lose your virginity and have more sex": While it might sound pretty aweful, it's actually quite enlightening. In the video the guy starts off by condemning PUA/manipulation/ego/acting uncongruent with women, and then he begins to talk about the value of being 100% congruent/transparent/vulnerable and how it is the secret to true confidence and projecting the lively, true you that you cannot project by trying to be perfect. Then he talks about the value of finding things you like (passions?) and going for it, rather than live only to impress girls.
    You just gotta watch it, I don't think I summed it up well. Oh, it also talks about the steps in losing your virginity, or rather a healthy and unintimidating way to look at it.

    This ones really long, but if you're willing to watch it, I would recommend it, it's called "How to attract girls"
    "So how to attract hot girls? Treat everyone equally. The golden rule. Kind of funny how all religions / spiritual practices talk about this. People have a natural tendency to judge other people. And the more we judge, the more we see people for what "value" they have or what they can offer us. Hence- we start judging ourselves more because we subconsciously see ourselves as a value we can offer others. And then we subconsciously always want to "prove" ourselves to people we see as high value. (A hot girl, a famous person, popular person, rich person who could be a business partner, etc.)"

    I recommend this one highly, it's short and it's entitled "How to know if a girl likes you":
    It talks about how it shouldn't matter if a girl likes you or not, as that's the unmasculine thing to do, and why you might not ever be able to tell anyway.
    and why not knowing should be a fun thing

    This one is extremely short, but incredibly useful, it's entitled "How to get out of your head, especially around hot girls"
    It talks about the value of being completely honest and just admitting that you don't know what to say or saying exactly what you want to say with girls.

    I highly advise that you don't bother with a lot of the manipulative/trick a girl into bed stuff on reddit, as that stuff can really mess up a healthy mentality with girls. All these videos are made by the same guy. Cheers :)
    SuperKrishna44 and sir fappanot like this.
  3. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I think your best bet to a healthy relationship is throw sex off the table. If you want to date, that is. If you want a FWB than text can be on the table. However if you want a healthy relationship with meaning, throw sex off the table. Than if you guys progress there, and that is what you want, than it will happen. While I personally have made the mistake of premarital sex, I don't condone it, but that doesn't mean it is right or wrong. But if you approach it with sex on your mind, you will fail at a healthy relationship.
    SuperKrishna44 and sir fappanot like this.
  4. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Going into a relationship and instantly wondering about sex is a major red flag. Sex is about 10% of a relationship so make sure you actually want a relationship. Also sex is not a performance. Sex is about expressing love for someone and mutually enjoying pleasure.
  5. firdi

    firdi Guest

    It's a short life. Know that and your done.
  6. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    yooo much much thanks to you all. I'll take some more time to read though your stuff and think on it. Wow. thank you for illuminating the notion that if I'm thinking about sex then that's a redflag. I need to hear these things!
  7. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    Hey brother. I can't thank you enough man! I've now just watched the first video and I have to say it is exactly what I needed to hear. The video showed me how warped my view is toward relationships, sex, and life. I've been now sexually frustrated for a while now. I feel that for the first time in my 19 year old life that I want to have sex and not in a superficial sense. The connection component, self love, and expression really resonated deeply.

    I will no doubt get around to watching the other videos you posted. Thank you tremendously for taking time out of your day to write out such thorough response with these awesome videos. I really, really appreciate it.

    I need direction for my energy. This first video has given me a lot to think about. I'll no doubt be back some time to check out the other stuff.
    doctor_warren likes this.
  8. doctor_warren

    doctor_warren Fapstronaut


    I'm absolutely ecstatic that it helped! Keep us updated somewhere, i'd love to see how it's going for you!