Stage 1 cleared.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Phase, Aug 12, 2023.

  1. Phase

    Phase New Fapstronaut

    Hello to all my family here, longing for love and care to battle with their own self.

    I feel happy and joyous to tell you that I crossed 15 days mark for the first time in 2 years and after several relapses (probably more than 30-40 :p) but at the end, I cleared the first stage of my new journey towards a better version of myself. Although, I get erotic thoughts almost everyday, I try to deviate myself from it and start doing other things to clear my head, and I have started doing meditation every morning, probably that would help me get to clear it within 1-2 week. I accidentally came across certain erotica story and later I even searched shit like that during day 6 or 7 idk, but now I have strengthened myself enough to search for things like that ever again, cause I would end up making myself week again. To the members of my family who are reading this, please look after yourself during this tough time, only you can be the one to help yourself out. Wishing you all the best for your journey !!! :)

    PS: I know it sounds silly but today I came across this article regarding PP sizes and Idk what intrigued me, I read the article and tried to measure mine, which resulted in precum leakage, I would consider it a slip and I would never do this again, and to the guys who are thinking of doing this silly shit, please don't, you might end up relapsing.
  2. New_W

    New_W Fapstronaut

    Congrats! And keep going!