Sperm retention is myth or at best not whole truth

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by JustinX, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Dont understand me bad, I agree the longer you stay without PMO the more productive you are, the more libido you have, maybe even more attractive you are.

    However, I had one night stand yesterday (actually it was the second night stand), girl would probably want more, me not (maybe fuckbuddies at best). I had 5 rounds with her yesterday and based on sperm retention theory I should feel low but I dont. I feel almost as productive and horny as day before I met her, already working on 20 other dates (5 are very close to closing), smiling on other girls, the hell I even woke up with a morning wood today for the first time after a long while (I send the girl home in the evening, so it was not due to her being next to me).

    If I would PMO 5 times, I would probably be depressed, without motivation, no interest in girls, playing games instead of being productive, not fun to be around etc.
    However when I have sex 5 times I dont feel like that, in fact I feel exact opposite: productive, attractive, talkative, and interested in girls.

    Given this empirical evidence, I start to think that eventhough there is some truth in semen retention theory, it is not 100% complete, and it is definitely not about the semen being in your body but probably something else: maybe other hormones in your brain, maintaining your mind set, feeling wanted and desired, not feeling as looser, sense of success in life (either keeping your streak or other achievements) etc.

    Experiments to be continued, I will keep this updated.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  2. Yes I Can Man

    Yes I Can Man Fapstronaut

  3. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    You simply are having an ego trip so you think no damage has been done. Keep it up and you'll find out quickly whether sperm retention is real or not..
  4. There is a difference between an orgasm caused by sex and those caused by masturbation. I am sure you’re feeling the difference. Even I notice that I don’t feel so bad if I accidentally release during sex in my marital relationship even though I believe I have POIS so overall I work to retain even in marriage
    Icewarrior likes this.
  5. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    There is a difference emotionally, but not physically.
    nomo and Ascended Ninja like this.
  6. They did a study showing different chemical release between sex release and masturbation I think prolactin was 400 percent greater from the sex release. I can’t access internet to look it up but it’s there if you look that up. Not saying yea or nay on should you release it’s an individual thing but most do seem to find that a release from sex doesn’t put one down as badly
    GhostShell likes this.
  7. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    I don't care about studies, the body is magnitudes more complicated than "prolactin." Releasing from sex makes you feel better about yourself emotionally, but the physical effects of releasing will remain the same. Release from sex as often as you release from masturbation and you'll end up in the exact same hole. If you think there's a difference, tell me what nutrients and minerals in semen are conserved when you release from sex instead of masturbation? And what energy is conserved? Just look at this guy, he thinks he's a hero because he's fooling around with a bunch of women. Been there, done that. He's content with releasing because he's accomplished his childish goal of having sex with random women. Now if he actually had real goals and yet was releasing via sex all the time, he would not feel so good about himself.
    Ascended Ninja likes this.
  8. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I was ignoring you for now because firstly I dont have much time and secondly you obviously looks heavy invested in something else and it is human nature to fight to the death and dont listen to any facts just to preserve value of your investment. Otherwise complete meltdown would happen. I have seen this too many times already.

    You think it is about ego trip but ego is conscious thing and I started to have morning wood next day after sex and that is not conscious but automatic and for me a sign of healing.

    You know very little about me and my goals so dont try to presume things you dont know and finding parallels with life because as far as I can see those lifes are completely different.

    I have already achieved lot of my life goals even without sperm retention (hell just the fact I permanently live on the other side of world where I was born and girls are flocking to me means I dont do so bad in my life).
    Sirius White likes this.
  9. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    My real goal, my top priority goal at the moment is to heal. Nothing else is as important. I didnt have morning woods before, had partial PIED, had minor fetish, didnt want to have women in my life, didnt even have motivation to see them, to have girlfriend or hell not even thinking about having family (in my age I should).
    And with my approach I am totally getting to this goal much faster than expected and wanted to share with others.
    In past 17 days I had sex maybe over 20 times, I dont even think about porn anymore, doing this nofap is very easy (often somedays I forgot about it completely), my PIED is getting better (I am able to do more rounds consecutively as before), vanilla sex only, idea of fetish is less and less seldom, now I want to have women in my life, I am completely seeing my brain being rewired extremely fast and all of that thanks to sex. Sex with emotional connection is important to say. Sex for money without emotional connnection didnt have this effect. Luckily every hookup and subsequent meet ups always require this emotional connection/vibing otherwise they wont happen.
    Sirius White likes this.
  10. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I also think having sex vs masturbation gains the same benefit as waking up early or making up your bed first thing in the morning.

    You start day early (success), you made up your bed (success), you get a date (success), you get a sex (success), get the work done (success). It helps keep on winning spiral and feel positive about yourself. It helps you feel like you are winning in life and no desire to go back.

    Unlike masturbation that puts you to failure spiral: masturbation (failure), afterwards the only thing that can motivate me is playing games (failure) and/or bingewatching TV series (failure), no work done (failure), what together makes you bigger failure and urge to masturbate more.
    again, Sirius White and 500 like this.
  11. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    a sign of healing from what?
    You say I know nothing about your goals but then 2 sentences later mention how you think you've accomplished something because girls are "flocking" to you. Your status talks about "juggling 4 girlfriends." I'm not pulling anything out of my ass. You've made it clear what your priorities are in life.
    You're good for a laugh, thats for sure. You think doing nofap is easy when you've had sex 20 times in 17 days? Do you realize that fapping is simply a substitute for sex?
    Happy Man likes this.
  12. Yes I Can Man

    Yes I Can Man Fapstronaut

    You can have sex without ejaculating.
  13. I’m not a believer in semen retention, but I will say I’ve been to sexaholics anonymous meetings before and those taught me that transferring from being a porn addict to a hook-up/sex addict isn’t a sign of success. While a lot of those guys had no problem getting laid each night, that didn’t ultimately fulfill them since there was no love in that type of life; Sadly, their addiction to sex crippled their ability to maintain a loving relationship. Sure their sexual conquests put notches on their belts and, at times, stds on their medical charts, but it never helped them grow in communication, trust, intimacy, or the ability to be vulnerable with another person; the four important pillars of a loving relationship.

    Just make sure you’re not exchanging one level of hell for another.
  14. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    That's exactly what he's doing. Although you spoke primarily in regards to how it affects your ability to form proper relationships. The truth is that being a sex addict harms you in many other aspects of life than just that. Believe it or not, as you did kind of point out, pmo addiction and sex addiction are the exact same things. And why exactly is it that you arent a "believer" in semen retention?
    Happy Man likes this.
  15. Primarily I was referencing how the life of a porn/masturbation/sex addict is a loveless one; this then ends up impacting a persons ability to have and maintain a healthy loving relationship.

    I don’t want to get into a discussion of why I don’t believe in semen retention nor do I want to to debate it. Suffice to say, I believe in the virtue of chastity and I hold this belief based on religious/theological reasons. We can leave it at that.
  16. Yea never would I say that having casual sex all The time is better than masturbating. I believe the bonding hormones released during sex are designed to attach you emotionally to another person whom you are faithful to. If you don’t you are violating the laws of Nature and Gods laws
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  17. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    Then get out of the semen retention and abstinence section. This is specifically for those discussions. I find it pretty pathetic that you aren’t willing to have a conversation about it.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  18. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    are AA a good group? Some guys told me theyre "cultish"...but they are actually a good system and groups?
  19. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    It might be a surprise but I have attended those meetings too, before corona when all of them were in person rather than now via zoom, so I know a bit about it as well.
    However; I have my goal on mind and current situation is delivering it much faster then anything else I tried before (almost like magic) and that is something to say particularly as I have been member here since 2016.
    They are actually pretty good, nice to meet like minded non-judgemental people, whatever is your goal it definitely helps you to keep on track. If you are in UK, google SLAAUK they were pretty good.
    loneloan likes this.
  20. It can be hit or miss in terms of the quality of group. Sometimes the people in group talk too much about their problem instead of the solution and you end up leaving group with new ideas on how to fall instead of thrive; thankfully most groups frown on that but it can be difficult when you find the group that doesn’t care. At the end of the day my issue with the program was their view on “your higher power”. The program purposely is vague on who or what “higher power” is in order to be more inclusive. I think being vague on this point is a key issue that keeps addicts in a stage of managing their addiction rather than being healed of their addiction, since it tends more towards worshipping a “higher power” which is just you. Anyway, just my two cents on that.
    loneloan likes this.