Some inspiration and Hope, 100+ days of 'Nofap'

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Thechosenone, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Hey guys! a short story of why my faith in nofap is increasing. (im on day 105 today)

    On day 101.....
    I was out with a friend on the train going into the city. As I entered I noticed a very pretty girl, I looked at her as she had caught my attention and she looked back at me. I can read body language pretty well, she didn't look away and was very "warm". thinking it was a simple occurance, I moved on of course.

    The train ground to a halt, there were stoppages so all the passengers had to leave the train. As I was talking to my friend she came over and joined in the conversation a little, adding a point about something. I don't believe I've ever felt such magnetism in my entire life..
    when someone looks at you in a certain way, you just can't really understand it..
    It felt like a DEAD certain, YUP. OK. its happening. It's actually happening now!- whatever it means, things are coming together now. It was incredible. It was like God saying, this is just a peak of your future...You're done.

    The first time I go into the city after many months on being on vacation, this NEVER happened once not in 3 years of daily commuting. To some of you this may be a regular occurrence, to others it will never happen in a lifetime. Now, A few days later I want that feel again because I didnt follow it up. However, my faith in things getting better in the future is so stubborn it cannot be broken.

    I think we should focus on those moments that we get sometimes, 'superpowers' are subjective from person to person. I feel like this is a superpower. I'm the type of person that enjoys being an introvert, I'm very artistic and play an instrument...I'm no womaniser. So this whole NoFap thing for me is about getting back to that point of feeling again. 100% expression. I know I can achieve anything when I reach 100% expression, it makes you flexible & open. You don't need to rely on image, where you stand in society, what crowd you fit into...When you are you and can embrace yourself fully; moments become intimate & have greater meaning :)

    Things wont click instantaneously, but the more you do and open yourself up to random occurances the more you'll find things...just...happen..Walk a different route and see that friend from years ago passing, waving hello. Take a different road and notice something else. When things are meant to be nothing in the world can stop it from happening. I believe we are all realising our destinys' the deeper you are in this, the higher you'll be when its done (but don't allow yourself to fall further). Just imagine's going to be magnificent.

    "The law of attraction"

  2. youngmoney

    youngmoney Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! day 20 here and you give me hope! great post
  3. APCIA

    APCIA Fapstronaut

    sounds good man, keep up the good work
  4. SuperGxz

    SuperGxz Fapstronaut

    Indeed imagine, it's gonna be awesome.