Sex with partner a success!

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by snazzy, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Started 90 day hard mode and then binged on day 28. Started again and on day 6.

    Last night I had oral sex with my gf to much success! PIED has gone away. Being intimate with her is much electric and less P style.

    The chaser effect is much on my mind right now though. However I am staying strong and will not PMO.

    For those that are in a relationship and trying hard mode, I have found that this was a good time to get intimate with my partner.

    This was the fastest I had ever orgasmed with her and one of the most intense.

    Thank you nofap!

  2. Andrew14

    Andrew14 Fapstronaut

    Me, too! I had been unable to O with GF for years but orgasmed PIV after only 29 Days on NoFap. The intimacy and (mind blowing) love has changed my life, and I plan to stay true!
  3. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    Andrew14 and JoePineapples like this.
  4. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Me three! Having more sex now than any time in my 14 year marriage (or before) and it's pretty wonderful. I just wish this site was around 20 years ago!
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  5. Sinner

    Sinner Guest

    Well, I would tell you to don't make any sex until marriage for it is sinful otherwise and it will only make harm to you but you don't seem religious, so, yes... I just wanted to put my thoughts over here :D
    Andrew14 and Deleted Account like this.
  6. I'm very religious, and i think you shouldn't PMO not because of fear to sin, but because of love for God and for (future) wife.
    Andrew14 likes this.
  7. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Still not much joy on the de front. I wonder if this means the husband is fibbing about progress? Do you think this is likely or could there be other underlying issues? I desperately want to be where you guys are with de. It's controlled our lives for six years. I don't really know where to go from here...
  8. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    You DAWGS!!!
    I haven't had sex since I started NoFap(a couple of months I think). Never had ED though. But now I'm having stronger erections, and that is absolutely a consequence of not masturbating everyday. I'm aiming to the hardness of a horse's leg now.
  9. Andrew14

    Andrew14 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to report that over the weekend, I experienced a devastating return of my Delayed Ejaculation (DE) after nearly 60 days of remission. Previously I had been experiencing incredible lovemaking with PIV orgasms. I'm currently on Day 88 of NoFap and sticking to the plan, but I'm shattered by the setback.

    She is sad for me too. Orgasming with my GF has been an absolute gift from heaven. So we are trying different things this week to see if I can get back on track. I am thankful to have her fully by my side as I resolve this terrible nagging DE issue. I know that it's my problem but its nice to have her help.

    I don't know how I would react if my GF thought I was "fibbing". Probably such a reaction in her part would not be a good thing for our relationship, and, personally, I would not want to stay in a relationship like that for very long.

    I wish you and your husband the best. Things tend to work out to their own level somehow!

    Peace out, Fellow Fapstronauts. And thank you all for your advice and constant encouragement. I firmly believe PMO is very bad stuff, and I have no plans to falter. But this sure ain't easy!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  10. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that dude. I know how crappy it must be for you. I know it sounds harsh to you that I'm wondering if my husband is 'fibbing'. Let me just say that I've been supporting him one hundred percent. On the other hand I have been lied to several times for the past six years. My husband has lied to my face on several occasions. This has caused som trust issues so I do feel bad for questioning him sometimes. But at the same time it's difficult to know when he's telling the truth. That's the reason why I struggle to believe him sometimes.

    Something else my husband has found with de, is that he struggles to let go and just enjoy the moment without worrying about o-ing. Maybe try to let go of worrying if it's going to happen or not and just enjoy the feelings. That might help. I hope you resolve this.
    CdB and ShotDunyun like this.
  11. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Most women feel that DE is their fault. I'm glad to see that you're been supportive and you know what is the cause.
    So, for OP, I know this is not THAT helpful but DE is a little better than ED and PE, it takes time
  12. djbrav70

    djbrav70 Fapstronaut

    I was under the impression that a hard 90 was no PMO? and that includes the O of any kind, i.e. with wife? I am saying this as I have been 16 days no PMO with exception of two days ago had unreal sex with my wife, due to the fact that I've been 16 days no PMO. I thought that I had to restart my reboot. What are the rules here?
  13. JGR

    JGR Fapstronaut

    I think the rules can be what you want them to be, it's a bit of trial and error to see what works for you. You can restart if you feel that's its cheating, but in my opinion, the end goal is to have sex with your partner and not watch porn, so why abstain from the end goal at any time?
    Andrew14 likes this.
  14. snazzy

    snazzy Fapstronaut

    So here is a successful update. Had PIV with gf twice and O both times! Very i have only binged twice in the past 30 days but i have adjusted accordingly. The only reason i binged was that my gf did not want to have sex those days. Since our sex last night, i have expressed to her that i would like to have sex twice a week. We are going to work on that.

    So here was my formula. 27 days hard mode 1 O with partner... 2 days later chaser and binge...then another 17 days pmo free and PIV with gf with O and then chaser binge 2 days later... Another 9 days PMO free now with PIV and O yesterday. I will be alert for the chaser effect this time and try to thwart. However i beleive i have achieved my goal of satisfying sex with my gf and orgasm. So right now im batting 3 for 3!!!

    THANK YOU again now fap community
    Jamie Brig and Andrew14 like this.
  15. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    I agree everyone is different. My bf is off porn and masturbatingnand our sex life has been amazing. You guys check out Tantric Sex for Dummies. I downloaded it free. We did tantric massages this weekend and had glorious intimate sex.
    Andrew14 likes this.
  16. Jack Writer

    Jack Writer Fapstronaut

    Same here. Only on day 10, but oral sex with GF Saturday night was mind blowing, but now I'm in the beginning of the chaser. I just keep in mind how awesome it was.
    Andrew14 likes this.
  17. Trying4love

    Trying4love Fapstronaut

    Care to share a download link? There is a lot of tantric "junk" out there...would love to look into one that comes recommended :)
  18. Andrew14

    Andrew14 Fapstronaut

    Hey Snazzy,
    My heart goes out to you and all others fighting this difficult battle against PMO. I'm on Day 97 today, and my Delayed Ejaculation (DE) is nearly cured!

    In the 15 years since my wife left me and son, I had fallen into a lonely routine of M that ultimately resulted in the loss of sensitivity and loss in my ability to O while engaging in PIV sex. The DE had been so torturous for me that I avoided relationships with women for fear of being shamed when making love. Then I discovered YBOP and, and it has been a miracle to me! Now I am stronger than ever and more committed to NoFap than I ever could have imagined.

    These days I am experiencing some of the most loving, intimate, mind-blowing sex ever. My GF is so supportive and dear to me. She knows that I am a good man and that the motivation has to come from within me - she cannot do it. Consequently she isn't controlling at all! I hope you get someone like that too! Please don't settle for someone who isn't right for you! Breaking the PMO habit is tough enough without having relationship problems. There are plenty of good women out there!
    snazzy likes this.
  19. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Says I can't post links. ?!
  20. Sinner

    Sinner Guest

    That is right. Everytime we PMO we make God sad because He sees that His creation, which was perfect, is behaving like pigs who play in the mud and is denigrating itself...