semen retention & girls.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jungler, May 10, 2016.

  1. The truth is nofap is mostly placebo. The only reason why people suddenly turn into chick magnets when they do nofap is because their long streak gives them a sense of accomplishment which as a result gives them confidence. Once they get confident, they start openly showing their confidence in public which of course women notice. The nofapper now has the courage to approach women and ask for their numbers and what not, which of course increases the likelihood of the nofapper scoring a chick as oppose to if he just stayed home shamefully masturbating. So in short, although nofap is placebo, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work. The placebo effect is pretty powerful.
    Deleted Account and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  2. It could be like that..but what really makes me wonder is why I get more looks from girls while on a long streak?
    Nofap certainly enhances your masculinity in some shows on the face and girls can notice it
    It's not magic..I think it's pure science but it isn't 100% confirmed yet and it differs between people
    When I was fapping..even though I was taking care of myself and was confident to some extent..I felt like a ghost to girls and I wasn't wrong
    Once I found my mission and started chasing succes and doing nofap..somehow I became attractive to more girls..more girls look at me because I gained some kind of a strong presence that forces itself
    Summary is : it's energy, and it shows on the face I the eyes..more good energy you have more good people you attract
    It's simple but we overthink it
  3. Some of these comments are pure narcissism. No one has godlike powers. Guys do not bow to you when you enter a room because you are doing semen retention.