Really trying

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Steffholberg, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Steffholberg

    Steffholberg Fapstronaut

    Hey. I am a 26 years old, and i have been using the nofap forum for a little time as inspiration, but have never posted anything, so i thought now is the time.

    I have seen porn since maybe 8 grade, or something like that. My background is christian, so i have always had the idea, that porn wasn't good for me. I have tried to stop from the start, but maybe it was when i was 21, that i really startet the fight against porn. That was when i the first time got an accountability partner. I had in a long time watch porn and masturbated maybe 2-3 times a day. When i got the accountability partner, and a protectionprogram on my computer, i went 2 month without doing anything. - but then i failed, and din't get to see my accountability partner to often, so it began to get a little to easy to write to him, that i had failed.

    I moved to another city, and began at a University, and was really challenged by porn, cracked the protectionsoftware to easily. Then i got a new friend, who a asked to be my accountability partner, because i saw him on a weekly basis. It then got better, and i could go a week without porn. Then he moved, i got a new, then he moved, i got a new, and that is the one i have right now.

    Now i am nearly finnish with education, i have a half year left, and i am still not free from porn. At this point it is still hard for me to last a week. I search the internet for help, try new things, read inspirational storys, talk to my accountability partner and so on. I really want to win this battle, but for some reason i seem to lose again and again.

    I am single, and have never had i girlfriend. This porn thing is really something i hope i can battle, before i enter into a relationship.

    I have alot of friends around me, much to do with my time, playing music and so on, but my motivation is down, and my feelings don't match my life.

    So this was a long introduction - and sorry for the bad english - i am from Denmark :)
  2. jlearn12345

    jlearn12345 Fapstronaut

    Hey I live in Japan and from America Your English is great! I started nofap today. You can do it! Good luck!
    Steffholberg likes this.
  3. Steffholberg

    Steffholberg Fapstronaut
