Rat Race

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by morp, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    Too many of us on here fixate on the number count when it comes to nofap.

    100+ day no PMO is a must do but after that do you really expect not to masturbate ever again especially with so many modern temptations out there.

    I feel like many people on this sub have been so damaged by porn they can't even allow themselves to enjoy the sensations of masturbation.

    I like seeing guys hit there 100 day streaks but after that, constantly updating their post like its a journal is almost the same as girls going on instagram checking their feed, you should aim to stop using this sub if you really are a healed person.
    fasticles and The Last Chance like this.
  2. Takes way longer than 100 days to recover for many of us on here.
    Wolves of Wisdom likes this.
  3. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    I know everyone has their own path on how long it can take. But really after 100 days the proteins that bind to our addictive pathways start breaking down. After that you’re just in a rat race due to psychological issues of recovery from porn.
  4. I believe our mindsets enslave us more than the actual addiction. We are overly hard on ourselves and expect perfection; we must ground ourselves in reality and keep realistic expectations if we are to succeed.
    Wolves of Wisdom, morp and VikingThor like this.
  5. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I journal even after 100 days because I like to keep a journal for myself.
    morp likes this.
  6. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    Keeping a physical journal is great, its when you start documenting your process on this website is where things get weird.
  7. Why is documenting the process weird? We're all on this journey together. There is not necessarily a one-size fits all solution so it's important for folks to document their process for a few reasons:
    • It is cathartic. We are all anonymous here. Journals for some folks are like a personal diary, but one that others can read - because we want to know we aren't alone while not jeopardizing our own privacy.
    • It's a learning opportunity. We can learn from our own mistakes, and others can learn from our successes. Why keep reinventing the wheel when there are success stories and mistakes out there we can learn from? Learning from each other is part of the human experience.
    • If you find it "weird" - just don't read the posts? Nobody is forcing you to read other people's processes. If you don't care, then don't look. It's as simple as that.
    I agree with your statement here. Masturbation is normal, and in some cases it can be healthy. But a lot of people masturbate in a very unhealthy way that does more harm than good, and part of undoing this learned behavior involves re-establishing a connection with our own sexual identity. I made a brief post about this replying to someone else here if anyone is curious:
  8. For an addicted person offering that M can be done in the future not necessarily help the recovery. Sure that sex is part of our life and that is why this addiction is hard to get rid of. It isn’t something like cocaine or alcohol where you can say never-ever because when you get into a relationship you will interact with your partner and that will trigger your brain back to old habit. 100 days is so relative in scope of a person recovery - if that’s enough or not. All cases are different. Tho I agree that after a while it is better to stay away from the forum or take a break - can be a ‘hooked on’ effect. Again: personal decision.
    morp likes this.
  9. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    For me getting into a relationship won't solve the PMO, its when I let myself enjoy the sensations of M that I feel like I can start being okay with my sexuality. I feel like a lot of these guys think they don't have baggage they need to unload before they are okay mentally to date.
    fasticles likes this.
  10. Getting into a relationship won’t solve the PMO addiction. That’s for sure. After you stared your recovery and committed to the cause to become PMO free you can start to think building up your life again. If M is in, it will be your decision and you will be the only one who can confirm if that was a good idea or not. All we are here to fight against this life killing addiction. Thankfully we don’t have to measure or judge other’s baggage or path. We can only support each other without labelling anyone for their efforts.
    morp and fasticles like this.
  11. I totally agree with this. And I hear Unica Semper Avis' logic as well. Everyone has their own path and we shouldn't put everyone's path in the same bucket. For some people I can imagine masturbation being triggering but I think the fact that M is triggering for some people is a problem. Whatever the root of that problem can be different for everyone, but to morp's point, which I also agree with, the solution shouldn't be to abolish masturbation forever because that is also unhealthy and totally disconnects us from our own sexuality.

    I used to be someone who chronically masturbated all the time - a lot of the time just because I was bored. This is absolutely unhealthy and I was not in tune with my own body or sexuality at all when I was doing this, and often felt like an empty shell of myself afterwards. I completely agree with morp that we should at least be on the path towards recovery and beginning to feel good about our own sexuality before we should date, because unloading all that baggage onto a future partner is unfair for them. We are responsible for our own healing.

    Getting to a place where you are comfortable masturbating WITHOUT porn or WITHOUT THOUGHTS of porn and doing it in MODERATION is completely normal, because it forces us to be more in tune with our bodies and mind.

    Again I totally understand where y'all are coming from and you both are right. It's just dependent on wherever the person is in this journey to determine if this is okay or not. We shouldn't be trying to recover from a completely natural and normal thing to do. It's the addiction and unhealthy habits and coping behaviors that are the root of the problem, not the act of masturbation itself.

    Remember: to each their own. This site often has a big stigma around masturbation for good reasons, because it's often tied to our addictions. Just like phones aren't inherently bad, they are actually very useful and can be used to improve our quality of life and health, but many of us use it for unhealthy reasons and negatively impact our life. Just remember that masturbation is not the culprit, it's a much deeper underlying issue and that masturbation is not inherently bad and there are proven cases where it can be beneficial to your health. However you choose get there or not is up to you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2023
    morp likes this.
  12. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    It's not weird to journal anonymously, and continuing to abstain after 100+ days usually will not make things worse. Quitting M forever is actually an amazing thing to do, just incredibly hard. You can get the desired "M" sensations from a loving spouse, if you desire.
  13. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I do both because it helps my mental health and overall success in life.
  14. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    You realize that living in the modern world with all her temptations never masturbating again is simply unrealistic. If you were a monk in the mountains I can see that but for the majority of us we can't do that or are unwilling.
  15. Semtex

    Semtex Fapstronaut

    Is this a psyop to get people to relapse or what
    LostSon267 likes this.
  16. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    What is relapse to you? M or PMO. Seems like a lot of people forget that porn is the issue not masturbation, demonizing a basic function is what keeps you stuck in the rat race brother.
  17. Semtex

    Semtex Fapstronaut

    I don't think masturbation is an expression of health. Chimp in the state of nature never jerks off, only in captivity.
    Wolves of Wisdom and LostSon267 like this.
  18. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna disagree with you on this, I think the lack of masturbation and holding it all in can cause more harm than good. And we are humans living in an industrial society the only thing keeping us in captivity is our minds.
  19. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Both issue, there is a specific forum for masturbation that caused people harm, they never watched porn.
    Wolves of Wisdom and LostSon267 like this.
  20. morp

    morp Fapstronaut

    Lmaoooo you are the exact person im trying to get through to. My man's has been so damaged by porn he can't consider the option that maybe we can return back to normal, masturbate, and enjoy it. Keep being stuck in the rat race brother maybe you'll get it one day.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2023