Quitting Social Media and Starting Meditation

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MixerAwersome, May 14, 2020.

  1. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    I'm very much addicted to social media.
    I have deleted them occasionally but downloaded it again.
    whether it is Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Whatsapp,Snapchat or any other.
    I download it,use it,get addicted to it,uninstall it,then again Install it,the cycle continues.
    Same happens with Games too.
    So,I'm going to Delete all these social media apps,games and going to restrict myself from using whatsapp. Whatsapp is essential,thats why I cant uninstall it.
    But I'm going to start my whatsapp on new number and going to put it all blank and only use it for useful purpose.
    I'm new to meditation,so,hoping that it will help me find my inner self.There is lot I have to DO.
    I'm on the verge and I have so much to achieve.
    I'm on the learning phase now.If I don't waste time and start studying,I'm sure,I'll achieve what I want.
    To achieve greater things,sacrifice of some things it takes,And I know that.
    Also it will help me in Nofap cause social media triggers urges for PMO.
    Hoping for the best.I'm positive and I'm going to do this.
    waya, 420 mile high, Box987 and 10 others like this.
  2. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Very Well!
    I am going to start also this journey against my addiction. Cause the Fap addiction is going well ... I mean I am fighiting and getting good results I am going to apply what I have learned also during the confinement.
    I ll join you. I have set an addiction watch for this ... first goal 60 days of no watch social during a specific time range and anyway I have set timers in the app for not watching too much!
    Anyway if you want more detail just write me!
    Let's fight until the final victory
    420 mile high and FX-05 like this.
  3. The Highlight

    The Highlight Fapstronaut

    It's been 8 days since I quit social media. You can do it Brother. Best of luck for your Journey.
  4. I agree with your approach on quitting social media 100%. I feel over the years porn has become addictive as we have an unhealthy approach to technology (sometimes). The ease of which we can access things becomes second nature. I bet most people on this forum remember a time when they typed their favourite tube site into an incognito mobile broswer - without any second thought? Must have been like breathing oxygen!

    Social media works in a similar way but at times it is actually worse... they also have psychologists creating 'traps' for more usage out of the service, including the likes system which increase dopamine effects.

    I quit facebook, instagram, and now recently after spending 1 month on reddit, i quit this as well. It is a bit hard at times but it means more quality time with the people in my life who actually matter.
  5. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much brother.
    I will really appreciate if you join this challenge with me.
    Lets keep posting our day when we go to sleep everyday,to track our daily growth and lets help each other in improving our flaws.
  6. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    Well done brother,you are doing great.I'm sure you can give me positive approach to this journey.
    I appreciate if you can come and post ,interact something daily.
  7. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    I agree with every point you have put here,The thing you said about the dopamine (like button) , I have experienced that.
    for the greater extend, I create memes and I have had the urges to get more and more likes to my post,by investing time and efforts,what I get is just likes(nothing worthy).I have realized that and I need to change that thing about myself.
    Hope you can join this challenge with me,lets keep updating our day here on daily basic.I appreciate your response.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Yup will do, I'll be honest I feel a little lost without my reddit notifications- but its all good! I'm sure the empty feeling will pass in a few days. Will keep you posted!
  9. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother.
  10. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    I am already struggling today ...but resisting. I feel that is far more hard than the FAP chanllenge.....
    I really want to change ... I hang on
    420 mile high likes this.
  11. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    we know its hard,but we will get over this temptation in some days.
    Lets contine.
  12. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    The danger of social media is that it can confuse people who use it excessively, giving them a false representation of who they are. They identify themselves within a virtual world, when they give comments they see their face next to it and even they try to bring that reality into the real world...example: people who take selfies at restaurants then post on instagram. They're out of touch.
    Meditation is all about being present, something social media addicts are not.
  13. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Sugar. I have lost also today. Really seems a very hard battle. It s really an addiction like eroin for me.
    Too many years on social damged my brain. I ll be back tomorrow ...I have to reach at least one day.
    420 mile high likes this.
  14. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Today I am again in front line let s keep it up!
    420 mile high and FX-05 like this.
  15. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    For me,its going good,haven't used social media other than whatsapp.
    420 mile high and Kurushimi like this.
  16. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    You are already on an other league
  17. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    haha..just keeping myself busy all day by studying and interacting with family..
    woke up at 7am..then meditated..had breakfast..took coldshower...then started studying..took a nap at 3pm for one hour then had tea with family..played chess..studied a little..then workout for one and half ho
    ur..then learned new words using wordup app..then had dinner..and now I'll study for 2 hours and then will go to sleep.
    Overall : Kind of productive day.
  18. Kurushimi

    Kurushimi Fapstronaut

    Another failure. Also today....I ll try again tomorrow!
    420 mile high likes this.
  19. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    why are you failing man? what is the issue?
    FX-05 and AlphaGod like this.
  20. MixerAwersome

    MixerAwersome Fapstronaut

    Day 3 :
    had a good day.
    stayed away from all social media,meditated,studied,workout.
    overall : kind of productive day.
    420 mile high and AlphaGod like this.