Question about NoFap and Nocturnal Emission

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Aristotle1981, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Aristotle1981

    Aristotle1981 New Fapstronaut

    To those of you who have been successful in giving up fapping for an extended period, have you had a problem with nocturnal emissions?

    Honestly, I started masturbating almost daily when I was in middle school. Now I am in my thirties, and as a result of all the masturbation, I have never had a wet dream. I hope I never do, but I'm afraid that now that I plan to give up fapping, nocturnal emissions will result.

    What do you think?
  2. Ulick Myers

    Ulick Myers Fapstronaut

    Welcome Aristotle. I have reached almost 80 days and like you I am in my thirties and masturbated daily from my mid-teens. I have not experienced any nocturnal emissions or wet dreams since starting NoFap (although sometimes I wish I would). There have been a few erotic dreams, but they are not more or less frequent than before NoFap. I have always found my erotic dreams to be a bit of a let down and I have never had an orgasm in a dream. I suppose if I had it would mean an emission.
  3. PracticeCompassion

    PracticeCompassion New Fapstronaut

    They are quite normal for me. In the beginning every 7-10 days, later on they became less frequent
  4. Scott

    Scott Fapstronaut

    That's such a great point, Ari. I haven't really thought of nocturnal emissions (what a phrase). Like so many of you, I've never had one I guess because I was always fapping so much much as a kid and adult. So many experiences missed:eek:
  5. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Why are you worried about nocturnal emissions?
  6. Yeah I don't think it's much to worry about. I don't think it will happen every night. If they do get up put the underwear in the wash and have a shower. I had a few when I was you get I don't remember them been full on ejaculations though so not that much mess. I would rather have wet dreams than carry on with PMO.

    Would like to hear how you get on though keep us posted.
  7. AgTraveler

    AgTraveler Fapstronaut

    I'm only on my third day, but I fully expect to have them. Growing up as I started MOing I would still have a wet dream every now and then. The last time I had one was when I was on vacation with my family in 2009 when I was 22. We were only 4-5 days into the vaca and I had one.