Nofap benefits ... just placebo effects?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Virtuose, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Virtuose

    Virtuose Fapstronaut

    Hey guys

    After dozens of times of relapsing, I'm going to take this challenge seriously now. It is like my life's future is depending on quitting PMO.
    My social anxiety keeps me isolated from any social relationships plus I have trouble in school cause of excessive procrastination... Im literally doing nothing for school, zero motivation, but I'm not stupid. It is just that i dont have the energy to do anything. I dont work out, i eat unhealthy. Im basicly retarded lol

    The only thing that gives me hope are the success stories of so many guys who seem to manage their urges so that they are rewarded with the benefits which im longing for so much.

    i believe in this Nofap... As if it was a religion

    Until I read a post of someone who claimed nofap is shit, benefits are placebo

    I'm so afraid that he's right but I also read tons of articles of which actually has the better arguments for nofap.

    ::::::: tL DR ::::::::

    To those guys that noticed benefits: can you decribe them? Do they feel placebo'ish?
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  2. Despot

    Despot Fapstronaut

    There are benefits no doubt man. My first try lasted 10 days and i felt amazing! Motivation went thro the roof,less anxiety which made me speak with people with such an easy that everyone around me felt my energy. Even after i had some relapses i still don't feel depression,anxiety, and all the bad stuff i had before during my teens.

    I had insomnia for 5 days now but everything was ok except that. I need now at least 20days to feel amazing cuz of the many relapses.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  3. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    At a little over day 30, I get an extra hour everyday by not watching porn and my sleep's better. OH and my lower back doesn't ache anymore the same way it does every time at school.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  4. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    nofap is shit?!?

    right -

    and watching three hours porn every day and masturbating several times every day is very good!

    especially for the self esteem! really a feeling like a pervert-maniac - very nice. :rolleyes:
    BismaBRJ and garudamuda20thn like this.
  5. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    If it's a placebo then why do I have these urges every day?
    BismaBRJ and garudamuda20thn like this.
  6. I'm with you on the back pain. Had some real problems with my back in the last couple of years and it's much worse when I'm doing a lot of pmo. That alone is reason for me to quit.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  7. tomtom

    tomtom Fapstronaut

    The initial inrush of extra energy may be gone but so is my DE/ED. I don't waste hours on PMO and get to sleep much better. I no longer have weird fantasies in my head when having sex with my wife but can really concentrate on her.

    Nofsp is not shit, it is very real.
    BismaBRJ and garudamuda20thn like this.
  8. Exarkun

    Exarkun Fapstronaut

    There are definitely true benefits, and from a scientific point of view it stands to reason that changing hormone levels (increased testosterone is the first benefit) changes your behavior.

    Ofcourse how you channel those changes is up to you...
    BismaBRJ and garudamuda20thn like this.
  9. korvin

    korvin Fapstronaut

    Simple, if "not thinking all time about porn and jacking off" is a placebo, than I do not know what is not!
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  10. nocap

    nocap Fapstronaut


    I'm doing my first (hopefully only) nofap project. Granted, I was perhaps not quite as bad off as some here describe. My old habits consisted of PMO'ing for "only" 1-2 hours about every other day, and quite often a bit of edging the days between. I'm 16 days in now and I'm not really sure yet, but there is definitively *something* to it. I feel over all better. Of course some days are better than others, but even bad days feel less bad now. I procrastinate less and actually get things done. Just that feels good. ED is getting better, although I haven't tested properly. I've never been overly social, and I don't think I ever will, but I'm not at all awkward when I have to. I'm still a nobody, but I'm happy with it. So if this is real or just placebo, it's still good. :)
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  11. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    I think it has to do with personal faith in yourself. Most of motivational theory comes from within, a "placebo" that basically means that whatever YOU want to happen will happen, irregardless if it is 100% scientifically proven. At least in my eyes, as I always thought of NoFap this way, a grand experiment of self improvement backed by a growing awareness by everyone else that will lead in the future to all the possible facts you could possibly want about this stuff (I mean there is and the Garry Wilson TED, but trust me there will be MORE). But on to the practical:

    these have been my benefits:

    I am more passionate and answer-seeking about my life. I used to be in this gray cloud of heavy self doubt, and even heavier procrastination. That is over. Not saying I am 100% sure of my decisions but I tweak and tweak and tweak things about myself to get to where I am going and find my answers.

    I value and respect time more. This life will end. Every second counts. You might not wake up tommorow. All these cliches are true. When I used to PMO I thought time was forever, that there was always tommorow...tommorow to enjoy myself, tommorow to learn something new of value to me, etc. With PMO being out. I am much more conscious, of each moment and how I spend it.

    Way faster and accurate at work. I can attribute this with thinking significantly way less at work about porn, or flat out watching it. Because of not having this distraction, I've reduced significantly errors at work.

    I also started caring more for thinking. I got Lumosity and have been doing it on/off. I care about what happens with my brain. I care about pushing it to the limit at times by learning things like programming, and even a little bit of finance topics.

    My relationships with everybody I've cared for have improved. My immediate family in the states, (As before I would lock myself up for hours combining idly browsing online with a daily/semi daily porn session). My extended family abroad, because of the extra time I have, simply to find something to do I talk to more of my family there, care more about what's going on.

    I hope this has helped some what, and I wish you the best of luck being PMO free!
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  12. Techiyew

    Techiyew Guest

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