New Username, new mindset, never gonna fap again ever! NoFap for Life Nigga.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by indianbrahmachari, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. indianbrahmachari

    indianbrahmachari Fapstronaut

    I have lost so much because of this fapping thing that it makes me wanna cry all the time still I couldn't do it, but now I am 100% determined I will never fap again. I used to be a stunning guy with super-pretty chiseled face and huge muscles and almost no body fat with an I don't give a fuck attitude, I was really a fu***ng tough guy that nobody could mess with, but after 1 and a half years of regular fapping I have become a physical and mental wreck. I used to drive every girl crazy, now I am a fat and ugly guy with hollow eyes with panda type dark rings beneath them and a beer belly. Brain Fog all the time, girly voice (used to be so deep that everyone used to comment on). I just feel like crying.

    I am always worried, will I ever get back what I have lost or not. I am even ready to become a lifelong celibate to gain what I have lost. Anybody with the same experience?
  2. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Use your losses and setbacks to motivate you back into wealth, health and success. Don't be down, dude. This is a great thing. Stick it out, you will see.

    Get a few days under you belt, you'll lose the brain fog and be able to focus on becoming a new man again. Accept your past mistakes, forget them, look forward and make the effort to change yourself. You can if you really believe achieve this and more.
  3. indianbrahmachari

    indianbrahmachari Fapstronaut
