New Fapstronaut trying to help himself

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by physikus, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. physikus

    physikus Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,
    i'm a 23 year old student. English is not my first or second language, so it is very hard for me to express my thoughts. so i feel sorry for my mistakes :) i've started to masturbate at age 13. My classmate told me that, if i can ejaculate sperm than i am a man, or i can be a man. so i've tried this shit at home. i was begging god, that i can ejaculate. i have promised him, not to do this after ejaculation. but this shit happened to me again. now i don't have a religion, so it doesn't matter, but it was a very bad start. I think after 2-3 years i get fast internet access and within few month i was already addicted to porn.
    i think the last year of school was the most productive year of my life and that is because i haven't masturbated in this year. But since then i'm studying in a foreign country and i have much more time to be alone. So i masturbate the last 3-4 years very often. And I haven't reach any single success in this period. I'm living very unhealthy life. Although i live in a dormitory, where every second person speaks english, i can't talk to anyone to improve my skills. I haven't even improved my skills in the native language of this country. My study life also suffers a lot. I just don't have the energy to sit in lectures, but i can watch porn several ours after the lecture. My family tries very hard to finance my study, but i can't help them because i'm to weak for work. Also my grades are very bad, so that i can't apply for a scholarship.
    So i think i've enough reasons to get rid of PMO. I just want to improve myself constantly and be useful for society. PMO steals my energy and prevent me to do this. Sometimes i get some praise from my friends but i know that this good sides of me are only results of my hardwork in childhood or in the last year of school. As long as i'm doing PMO, i will not get any advance and success. I just don't have enough energy.
    So at the end, i want to thank everyone, who have read this post and please excuse me for my mistakes in english. and feel free to correct my mistakes if you want :) i think together we will free ourselves from this addiction.
    have a nice day full of energy guys :)
    your physikus.
  2. netchina

    netchina Fapstronaut

    Sperm is the engery of life.I know in internet.