men have it much harder than women!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Thomas Smith, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    If it were true that being desired by many equaled happiness then why are so many miserable celebs? On drugs committing support suicide? I like to call this syndrome if only syndrome where people focus on one particular negative attribute and think if they fix that life will be perfect. Because skinny people have no problems nor do attractive ones. The same have plastic surgery or lose weight and surprisingly are just as unhappy. When you take your happiness from what other people think of you especially your looks you will always be miserable. Why do o say especially looks? Because most people have little to no control over how they look. Sure you can work out get surgery but for the most part we owe our looks to genetics nothing we have accomplished. It’s why people that are very attractive are so insecure. And when a hot person hits 50 they age like everyone else, wrinkles, weight gain, and then what of the person only ever desired for looks?

    Let me share a personal antidote. In my mid 20s I was in the waiting room of my counselor. I had been through another horrible breakup used again and lied to by a man I loved. A woman approached me and said “I don’t know why you would ever need to have counseling or even feel sad, you are beautiful, you don’t look like you belong here.” I really had no clue what to say. Did I thank her? Did I tell her that attractive people have problems too? I thanked her but I will never forget that. You see I was just as hurt as she was felt just as much pain. Did the men who catcalled me on the street on my way in make that pain less absolutely not.

    People can complain about how they are not “desired” and how that’s what causes them to use porn or keeps them single but that won’t make them any more desirable to potential partners make yourself desirable in other ways! Do only 10s get married or course not! People of all shapes and sizes all looks marry! And one thing you can change is quitting pmo because I can assure You that no matter if you looo like Brad Pitt being a pmo addict makes you not desireable at all, neitheR does being bitter or angry, blaming others for your downfalls and judging women solely on looks. So you can complain about not being desired but where does that get you? You can use porn and say it’s due to not being desired but guess what that only makes you less desired!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry about that experience you had, GG2002. That woman obviously was too hurt by her feelings of being physically undesirable to see that there are many other issues to be sad about other than one's lack of beauty.

    Oh, I know. You've made this point before. But it is what totally makes sense for guys to do. When we don't get any attention from women online, or in real life, we go to where we can pretend that we get it, from porn. It is the most natural and understandable outlet for feeling undesirable, at least for guys. I never said it will help the situation long-term. But nothing helps the pain better short-term!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017
  3. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Maybe if you hear it enough it will sink in?
  4. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    But why are you assuming that all of these girls would leave?

    If you don't get validation from the opposite sex, then you are alone, are you not? You need some validation, don't you?
  5. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    If I hear what enough - that using PMO isn't attractive to the opposite sex? I agree on that, but I'm saying that it's something guys in the short-term do to ease their pain. Do you not understand the pull of PMO? Is it because you're a woman and PMO isn't a struggle for you?
  6. Seek validation from yourself, is what I am trying to say.

    *A billion people will have a billion opinions. Some are going to absolutely love you, and some will absolutely hate you. *

    You don't have the time or the patience to think about how every one is going to think.

    When you are happy with yourself, other peoples validation wont matter.

    AS for those women leaving, think about why they were attracted to you in the first place.

    If they like you for your looks, one day they will find someone who looks better than you.
    If they like you for your money, one day they will find someone richer than you.

    But, if they like you for you, there's no one better.
  7. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    But if you get no validation from any woman, then a guy remains alone. He will have no mate. I wouldn't be happy if I never got a woman. I don't want to remain single. That's not a happy life for me.

    Very good. Yes, I agree - if someone is only interested in looks or money, the would probably leave for someone better-looking or richer. You are right.

    But I was talking about online dating, and getting messages from women. If some of these 100s of women were messaging because they liked the profile description of a guy, and not just his pix, wouldn't some of these stay for the long haul?
  8. streve

    streve New Fapstronaut

    No No No Men don't have harder lives than women and women don't have harder lives than men. Individuals have different experiences. A woman that's had an abusive life has had a harder life than the man who hasn't had to endure any kind of real trauma. A man that's lived his life on the streets has had a harder life than a woman who has lived comfortably. We can't just say men have it harder/women have it harder because we all have different experiences. It's not fair to make a generalization like that.
  9. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Your comment makes me very sad, sad that you feel that way about yourself and that until you are able to adjust that way of thinking you will always be in pain and I can see why you may turn to addictive behavior to quell that pain which will never go away when you require validation from someone else and your only standard for happiness is to be with a woman.

    Relationships are a luxury not a necessity. So sure most people enjoy a relationship like most people enjoy a fancy car or expensive watch but they don’t need either of those things. You need to be comfortable and confident with being alone and until you get there you will be alone. Once you get to the point where your sole source of validation is yourself and you are happy being alone you will start becoming more attractive to the opposite sex. No women or man for that matter what’s to be the source of your validation. Can you imagine the pressure you are putting on that person in doing that? It’s usually what is referred to as being needy and it’s a very unattractive quality to both men and women. And what happens when the person ends things with you? What do you have left ? If you need them to feel validated you will fall apart and that’s not emotionally healthy.

    The right way to phrase it is I would like to have a woman in my life but if I don’t ever meet the right one I will still lead a happy life. And that’s what you do. No you are not alone if you are single. If you feel that you are that’s a product of your own doing. Look around. You have friends, family, hobbies, your church if you are religious your coworkers. And if you don’t get out there and get some. Don’t sit around waiting to meet a woman to be happy and live your life. All of these things will make you so much more attractive to the opposite sex.

    People will let you down that’s a given. They will try to make you Feel you are not good enough or worthy. But it’s your choice to allow them to have that power over you. Self esteem comes from life experiences and that’s just not in relationships. I can’t imagine the sheer devastation you would feel if you did get into a relationship and it ended.

    I suspect the reason women are finding you unattractive is because of this line of thinking. You have to change it or you will be stuck here forever.
  10. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    I didn't say that men have harder lives than women, I said that men have harder dating lives than women.
  11. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    GG2002, I must have given you the wrong impression about my life. I don't have trouble attracting any women. I have trouble attracting attractive women. If I'm willing to settle for an unattractive, older woman, I literally have dozens of them to choose from. No joke - I have rejected more than 30 unattractive, older women in the past 2 years. But I have such difficulty landing women that are quite cute. Now I'm not talking about hot girls. I'm not talking about 9s or 10s. I'm not talking about supermodels. I'm talking about women who are more or less "in my ball park". I've been told by a decent-looking woman (who I rejected because of reasons other than her looks), while she was looking right into my eyes from inches away, "you are really a very handsome man". So don't think I'm overestimating my looks. I'm not ugly. I'm not gorgeous either. It's just that, like I've said before, it sucks so bad to be a guy in the dating world. Women don't pursue us. We have to do almost all the work. So we turn to online dating, where we know the women are single and looking for a guy. But no, we don't get attention there. So what are we left with? I feel like I've got to go to a grocery store, scope out who I like, check for a ring, then somehow go from "this store has nice bell peppers" to "want to get a cup of coffee with me?". How do you do this? It's so freakin' hard to do stuff like this, but I don't think I have a choice. I have 2 options: have a date with a pixel porn model and my hand, or risk looking like an ass and hit on women in the grocery store or the like.
  12. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Sorry but if you take the attitude that these women are not in your league and keep turning women down you will be alone. You are unlikely to get the “hottie” you desire and what about if she ages or if she loses her looks. So long as you focus so much on looks you are going to be miserable that’s your choice.
  13. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    But GG2002, isn't it essential that a man choose a woman he is physically attracted to? A man is much more visual than a woman (and this pre-dates porn by thousands of years), so it is vital that he is excited by the look of his mate, is it not? Sure, a guy must fall in love with his woman, with her soul and personality, so that when (not if) her looks fade, he continues to love her and doesn't abandon her. But he needs to start out feeling she is physically attractive, does he not?
  14. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    It’s essential that there is an initial attraction on both ends sure but judging by the amount of people you are turning down that’s not what you are doing. I’ve seen men like you that have really high standards for looks but then get pissed that women judge them on looks! You know where they end up? 55 years old and single hitting on women way too young and out of their league not able to figure out why they are still single. And I suspect that you do overestimate your level of attractiveness because you fail to take into account non physical things that women value sort of like not having an attitude that you are above dating so many people!! But really the answer to this debate can be found by asking yourself one simple question is your current strategy working? If it is then keep it up. I mean you won’t need porn anymore because you will be finding Tons of hot women right? But if it’s not you need to change your strategy. Change your way of thinking. You can go back and forth with me all day but that won’t change your situation. If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Go out with some of those women that hit on you do something different what harm does One date cause? You know some of my best friends met their husbands through bad first dates. Neither of the first dates hit it off but guess what the guy had a brother who he felt would be perfect for her! You never know and getting dating experience is always good. It’s just a first date coffee or a drink. Or keep doing what you are doing and in 10 years I am willing to bet you will be in the same exact place you are right now.
  15. LiquidWish

    LiquidWish Fapstronaut

    I've heard the theory that men are the experimental gender and women are like the control group.
  16. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    GG2002, I appreciate you trying to help. I really do. Please continue to write - help me find some dating success please!

    Let me explain why I've turned those 30+ women down. I'm in my 40s, and I look my age, but the women online that message me are often in their 50s. Now I don't mind an older woman, but I want her to be at least somewhat cute. That's not too much to ask, right? But the ones who reach out are often very unattractive. I can't help but believe that they just blanket message all guys because they aren't getting much unsolicited attention from men. Believe me, if one of these older women were cute, I would gladly date her. Also, I like a lot of overweight women! Not a big percentage of guys would say that. I especially like women with big chests, but I also like women with big hips. This is a lot of women, is it not? The only thing I don't like is when the woman's biggest area of fat is her belly, because that reminds me of a guy, because that's where guys typically get fat. So, given all this, I'm not too picky, right?

    My pix are nice - a lot of women have told me that. I'm on the short side, but I have a master's degree, a big salary, lots of interests, and a profile that reads nicely. But, I'm a guy - so I think that's the main reason it's so hard to meet women online. It's like a feeding frenzy I think for any woman who's not totally gross.

    What should I do? Should I hit on women at the grocery store like I talked about? I work in IT, which has almost no women, so that's not an avenue to meet women. Why am I having such a hard time? What can I do to greatly increase my success? Please help me fix this!
  17. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I feel you on there being no women in your field. I have plenty of male friends in IT and I know there are not many women. And short men do have it rough it’s one of the few things that women in studies consistently discriminate based upon. I follow a dating blogger who took a guy in that was 5’6 and no matter how high he increased his income or education he got very little responses as opposed to the unemployed guy who was 6’3 whose email box reached capacity. My advice is the same date the people who want to date you. Stop wasting your time on the people that don’t. You hit on a pretty girl in the grocery store sure you may get a first date but she’s still got a lot of other men after her. You are in the same spot as you were before with online dating. Stop overfocusing on looks yours and theirs. The dating blogger I follow gives the same advice to women who do what you do. I know you don’t want to hear or accept this but it’s the truth.
  18. KingOfAllMedia

    KingOfAllMedia Fapstronaut

    YES, this is exactly why many men view women as having an upperhand. Right fellas? Lol
  19. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    GG2002, yes, the truth hurts, and it hurts a lot, but thank you for speaking it. It does me no good to be oblivious to the truth. With the truth, I can take steps to maximize my success, even if it will never be that much success.

    One thing though, about "date the people who want to date you", that advice has to be augmented for guys. For women, they can just sit back and date the guys who want to date them. But guys have to be assertive. Guys have to ask the women for dates, including the online women.

    About asking out pretty girls in the grocery store, sure, there are other guys during her life that hit on her, but shouldn't I still go after what I want? After all, women are attracted to confidence in guys, and hitting on them cold (done with some class, of course) is about as confident as you can get.

    Who is this dating blogger you mentioned? I want to read her/his stuff. Thanks.
  20. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Desire has no direct correlation with porn addiction. You cant simply say a guy on the street is a porn addict, you need to know him better to see if he is or not. Therefore, I understand that no one wants a porn addict as a romantic partner, as that is wrong. Just the same as a smoker. If you really like the person you'll see throught that and help him / her get out of the addiction.

    The problem nowadays is that there are really few people that are able to donate themselves in such a cause. And in that point of view I agree with the OP.