Me after 8 days of no MO and no porn

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MasterPablo, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    Hi guys!
    I finally get 8 days, I feel much more energetic and this are my results of nofap:

    -better focus-my mind seems to work better than usually, I was playing chess with my friend who is a chess teacher and I almost won :) also in my work I can see that my thoughts are clearer

    - better mood- I don't catch myself on sad thoughts or pessimistic inner dialogues. I feel like 18YO again :)

    - good endurance during trainings-I used to be sleepy on gym, but now I had much better performance.

    -less cravings to alcohol- I used to drink a few beer every weekend but now I don't need it to be happy.
    - ambitions to achieve more
    this is just a beginning :)

    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    Hey MasterPablo, Congratulations on the 8 days! I'm about to complete 5 days and the longest I have done since the addiction started was 7 days. Day 8 is a milestone for me and I that's great that you surpassed it! However, don't celebrate too long. Strive for longer goals and get that 12 days. Good Luck.
    Consistent likes this.
  3. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    After years of being in jail, I'm free, Bro!
    programer and Fapping prohibited like this.
  4. Congrats man!
  5. Ics2000

    Ics2000 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations - amazing results! Just think how good you'll feel in twice the time! : )

  6. M123

    M123 Fapstronaut

    great job bro
  7. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    I think feeling happeir every day is the greatest benefit. Gym trainings are the best habit to maintain a longer streak. Now being on no-MO streak is based on beliefs- some people are naturally never masturbating, no matter having sex or not. And others think that after a few days they will "explode" or something. ;) Rocky Balboa hasn't been masturbating for a year - that was his year of victories.
  8. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    It's 10 days. Yes! I've been waiting for that day :)It seems that soon I will reach my adult life record - 12 days
  9. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    The best advice I can give you is to find 3 good things to do instead of watching porn. When you were a little boy, you had a lot of plans what would you do while being adult-and it wasn't PMO-ing for sure! Literally doing anything healhy and achieving something in your hobby, learing or sports is a piece of fundament to be free of porn :)
  10. RiseAbove

    RiseAbove Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice! I'm glad you made it this far. No i w ogóle super sprawa, pokazałeś, że na prawdę można :D Keep going & stay strong :cool:
  11. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    Dzięki ziom! jedziemy dalej z tym koksem :)
    you can watch this guy instead of porn- very inpiring:

    The best thing is that his mum found his channel...And she gave him THUMB UP :D
    iborntobefree likes this.
  12. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    I keep going, guys!
    today I get a little cough and runny nose, but I still feel good and don't gonna stop ;)
  13. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    It's 11 days reached, I go today for salsa classes, and work as copywriter for cash :) My mood is better than during addiction, beacause I can find that sometimes I laugh from simple things or just feel happy during the day. I have some sort of balls aching, but after a massage it passes. I've learned that every negaive emotions pass after some time, so the good habit is just to wait. ;)
  14. nintendonana

    nintendonana Fapstronaut

    How's it going bro? I see that you relapsed today. Also I noticed that you haven't been posting anything here. That's not good bro. I am just wondering why. Thanks
  15. xoer

    xoer Fapstronaut

    Congrats brother! Reading your succes story has made me happy.
  16. chaoyiyun

    chaoyiyun Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear your success ! Thank you for posting !
    Wish you all the best going forward !
  17. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

  18. CreateInMe

    CreateInMe Fapstronaut

    Hey Pablo,

    Hope things are going better for you now. I think relapse is part of recovery. It's what you do with that relapse that defines you. Don't give up. I'm praying for you, buddy.
  19. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    Great post man. Porn is a Prison that robs us happiness and Fullfillment.