I'm afraid I have PIED

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by lustrouslem, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. lustrouslem

    lustrouslem Fapstronaut


    Just 2 months ago I noticed when I was with a girl we had sexual intercourse but I didn't know if it was PIED or not : at some point she just stopped touching me and I wasn't hard anymore. And I wasn't even stressed, I was the person who wanted to do this

    Now back to yesterday : I had the most amazing sexual foreplay with another girl. But here's the problem : I feel like in my head I was horny so bad and I was hard throughout the foreplay (but it wasn't a constant erection I feel like) but came a moment when she touched me down here : I became soft.

    I started porn lately, at 16 years old. I watched it at first 2-3 times a week at first, then almost every 1 or 2 days at 18.
    I don't watch some fantasies, but I feel like nothing makes me hard anymore than just ass (that's what I was fapping all the time) and this is not normal.

    I really want some of your thinking, I feel like normal foreplay sometimes don't excite me anymore and I'm kinda shocked because I didn't feel like I had PIED. What do y'all think ?
    I think I should do a reboot. I hope it's gonna improve things .. Do you have some advices or threads I should read ?
  2. lustrouslem

    lustrouslem Fapstronaut

    It's like I lost a little interest too in sex, I don't know how to say it : I'm horny but at the same time it's not arousing to me anymore

    I hope rebooting is gonna clear this a little ..
  3. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop watching porn including instagram girls and all sexual imagery. Rebooting will work if it's PIED. Once you are done with the reboot never, ever use images for sexual stimulation again. It only gets worse. Rebooting works and porn is mental poison. Good luck bro!
  4. lustrouslem

    lustrouslem Fapstronaut

    Thank you man. Really.
    ElSabio likes this.
  5. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    You are welcome. I wish you the best of luck and happy, fulfilling life!
  6. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, I am 19, and I have had low libido from porn, I couldn't have intercourse with my first girlfriend, longer streaks, now I'm not a virgin anymore, my girlfriend and I have sex every week or 2. If you still have access to sex, I recommend that you still try that, even if it doesn't work the first little while, keep trying. I recommend that you look into Karezza, which is slow, non orgasm sex. It will really help the re-wiring process, and you will recover much quicker.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
    ElSabio and lustrouslem like this.
  7. Bon-Bon XO

    Bon-Bon XO Fapstronaut

    Also, congrats on getting to Day 7, you should be proud of yourself, I hope that you're enjoying the extra energy, if you've been trying to quit for a long time, don't give up, I've been trying to quit for 3 years! And I still haven't given up, and I've been addicted since I was 9!
  8. lustrouslem

    lustrouslem Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot man I'll look into that !!
  9. lustrouslem

    lustrouslem Fapstronaut

    Yeah I'm happy right now, after 7 days I already feel like I'm healthier

    I'm using an excel files to keep track with a calendar, and it's really motivating. I know the chances I fail are really lower now. I won't
    Anonymous86 likes this.