I wonder if I can ever find the right man for me?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    freedom if it doesnt hurt anyone in the process. i just told u it gives birth defects, which is unfair for the baby

    nice try
  2. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    toothbrush anology makes no sense because u brush ur teeth when after eating when ur teeth are dirty or when u wake up as u have bad taste and odor in mouth when u wake up.

    i dont have a problem eating a sandwhich in which my gf took a bite from, hell, even from my parents i dont mind. I am not a germaphobe. Now that would be a suitable analogy, but yet it doesnt go against any of my previous statements unfortunately for u
  3. Are you sure oral doesn't hurt anyone ? it's litteraly using your mouth as a toilet-like tool. If you or your partner were leaking chocolate or avocado juice down there or were so clean no bacteria would be seen at the microscopical level, it will be the case.
    Nice try as well. I didn't know genitals were cleaner than toothbrushes.
    I hope you are aware of the disaster porn has done to your brain. Have you been fond of oral sex before you discovered porn use ?
    How is it that you feel repulsed by mouth odors and dirty teeth yet feel so comfortable with licking genitals ? unless you think it's your only way to be praised by females in bed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2020
  4. @vercent99 I don't want to say anything more to you. I wish to god people like you and me will be only strangers and never come to know each others in real life. I think being around all of you drains my energy and will to live, and I don't want to give up on life any soon.
    vercent99 likes this.
  5. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    imagine comparing bacteria from oral sex to incest birth defects, i mean what else can i expect from someone who says oral sex is worse than killing someone, i am not sure if i came across the best troll or most insane person, so yeah i am glad i havent met you either, i wouldnt be comfortable being around someone who keeps buzzing in my ears about oral sex being unnatural and stuff like that

    what did i expect trying to debate someone who uses animals as an excuse to be against oral sex, yet when it comes to incest somehow disagrees even though it's your same exact logic

    didnt expect much but u have certainly broadened my view on people because i have never thought someone could make such bad arguments so i gotta clap my hands for that

    all i can say is good luck finding a man who doesnt like oral sex, just because someone is annoying and hypocrite doesnt mean i wish them anything bad, wont reply again because so far u've not said anything useful as to why u have been hypocrite, so, nice debate and have a nice day

    and lastly yes i liked oral since before porn so there is no correlation, in fact, after porn i never developed any kinks as i only watched vanilla porn, PIV & oral
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. I don't think that sarcasm and judgementalism serves any healthy purpose, @shedernatinus.
    We shall beg to differ. You go ahead and judge others because of your beliefs, and I'll judge you because of mine (I don't normally judge people if they're not hurting anyone, but you've given me permission to judge you).
    And so, at this point, I shall leave the conversation. You may have the last word.
    vercent99 and Deleted Account like this.
  7. Sometimes the best way to have an argument, is to not have one in the first place. Give it up dude, it's a lost cause. When someone thinks they know it all (or better), it's best to leave them be.
    vercent99 likes this.
  8. You really need to seek some help, because if online debates are inducing the urge to terminate life, than that's some serious issue. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter to me. Thought, I might as well point the obvious.
    Speedo424 and vercent99 like this.
  9. Crownyourdreams

    Crownyourdreams Fapstronaut

    Patience: this is what a lot of people need to have :)
    I always support people who ask this to themselves and I always have to say that they are in a hurry... Relax! Every one will find the right person, just don't need to hurry. Everything in this life happens in the right moment, no need to hurry, get stressed or overthink about it.
    So stop worrying about your future woman, and act forwards having that, but never hurry. It will happen one day, in a very unexpected way.
  10. Sexuality shaming is really not a good image on this site.
  11. RiskyKing

    RiskyKing New Fapstronaut

    Yeah I feel the same.
  12. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Does anyone here want some chips as well? I have salted and paprika. The drinks are on me.
    Speedo424 and cadia guardsman like this.
  13. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut
