I hate pick up artists.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Potato93, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

  2. I actually don't hate these guys, but I hate how women fall for their tactics. I don't really consider these guys Alpha because they condition themselves to become jerks when deep down they're just a bunch of insecure betas that seek validation from whores.
  3. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    You only hate them because they were once nerds now getting girls. You're like the nerd except without the girl. Right?
  4. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    The thing with some or maybe many of these pick up artists is that there is a type of narcissist or douche bag quality to them.

    But eventually life does have set backs and they are not immune to bad consequences if they deserve it.
  5. Pretty fucking savage. But I completely agree.

    You can hate them, but they will just keep doing what they are doing. Why not go out there and get women your own way.
  6. Tekkadan

    Tekkadan Guest

    Well, I already recommended "Intimate Connections" to you. It's like a psychological version of pick up, more for "grown ups" if you will. You can try that, get a woman as well if you'd like. No reason to "hate" others. I'm not a big fan of pick up artists either, as they are pretty boastful and preachy. But they seem to get the job done. Remember this quote: "I spend so much time improving myself, I have no time to criticize others."
  7. Broski

    Broski Fapstronaut

    Pick up artists are really cool. In my opinion, at least. I mean... these guys are the nerds, the betas, the otherwise unattractive guys - they have only the slightest bit of social skills and yet they can transform into an actor playing an alpha role. I find it interesting that chicks fall for this, no sexism meant there - I doubt I could ever pull it off that good though, even with all the tips and tricks. I'm too awkward.
  8. Ichiro

    Ichiro Fapstronaut

    I cringe at the words, "pick up artists" because its degrading to women. You don't "pick up" human beings. The red pill is a misogynist forum. I used to be a red piller myself and many of the guys there don't respect women. And many of them are "fake alphas", who act as douchebags to seem confident, but deep down inside they are rife with insecurities. It doesn't take long for girls to catch on, so most pick up artists don't really end up having a long term relationship.

    But the link you sent has great advice. And you got to take the good with the bad and apply what is good.
  9. Correction, these WOMEN don't respect themselves and that's why they fall for these guys and they do eventually catch on when they're 30 and unattractive. It doesn't even take the "red pill" too see that.
    NF SINCE BIRTH, hej då and Potato93 like this.
  10. Renaissance of Being

    Renaissance of Being Fapstronaut

    The only thing that self titled "alphas" have going for them is an ever growing karmic debt. I say forget about these alpha boys and focus on becoming an Omega Man.
  11. In all honesty I don't understand where these terms alpha, beta, and omega comes from. I feel like trying to fit into these roles just adds more pressure that necessary. I'd say forget about these labels completely and be the person you want to be.

    One would consider Don Draper alpha, but he is actually narcissistic, selfish, a cheater, and a borderline alcoholic. Let's just ignore these major character flaws and look to those stupid one liners and pitches in business meetings.
  12. Renaissance of Being

    Renaissance of Being Fapstronaut

  13. Not all women like men to behave in the "alpha-whatever-the-fuck-that-means" way that the PUA's describe. True some women may prefer this behaviour, so get over it, these aren't the women for you.
    Personally as a woman and more importantly, as a human being I find general disingenuousness a lowest common denominator. Don't waste your energy or emotion even looking or acknowledging the behaviour of these people. Jealously is a very negative thing, I speak from suffering from it greatly myself. Focus more on your personal improvement and seeking to find relationships with people that actually give a shit about your well being.
  14. I was generalizing a tad bit about in my earlier posts. I would just like to clarify by saying MOST not all western women go for the alpha pick up douche and others go for the "pick up the check artists". There are a few that are truly looking for love and those women are probably Amish.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Potato93 like this.
  15. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Maybe you're just an angry, spiteful person who hates a lot of people? Ever consider that? All Trump supporters too? Really?
  16. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    Most of them are just insecure little boys, tbh.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Potato93 like this.
  17. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Indeed, my hate in here may be to the fact that the rules mentioned on that sub reddit may work in some way, but are put in words that degradate my well being. Ill just ignore it as you said :confused:

    @Jewels , Id say that most woman do and dont fall to this? I dont know, I dont have a survey... But from what Ive seen in society from personal experience, it indeed appears to be the majority, unfortunately.

    @noonoon If you're a trump supporter Im sorry, didnt want to offend you, that was childish from my part. And I knew I would be vulnerable to that by merging politics in the above post.

    @tweeby Good try, but what I hate on that is the fact those tips are primal as fuck and in a way or another, it works. Then you end up with a bunch of guys on the street that cant be themselves because they are just occupied rationalizing their brains into a superficial kind of approaching the opposite sex.
  18. Dre42

    Dre42 Fapstronaut

    I've been dabbling in the arts of pick up for a few years now and it, with no doubt, has been the most transformative experience of my life. I started out as a timid, socially inept guy who couldn't look girls in the eye. I can not say the same for myself today. The game as a whole gets a lot of bad rep and I think there are valid reasons for that.

    Pick up is an art form. And just like there's bad art out there is bad game. It was started in early 2000's by desperate dudes who couldn't get any action with women. Most of them were nerdy, socially inept, and generally uncool. They were trying to figure out how to jump leagues to get with the hottest girls. Early game theory therefore stems from the paradigm of creating a cool impersonation of yourself to attract girls.

    Now I say "early game theory" because that is no longer the main approach, although the main stream understanding of the game hasn't caught onto this fact yet. The majority of the pick up gurus today have abandoned the notion that they need tricks and dirty strategy to bring girls DOWN to their level. Instead they focus on bringing themselves UP to become the best version they can be and in process attract girls. Because you never attract what you want, you always attract what you are. Why pretend to be a cool guy and create attraction for a night when you can become cool and create attraction for a lifetime?

    Misconception about philosophy is just one reason. With mastering this art comes immense power. And it is unfortunate that many abuse it. Personally I always go by the motto to "leave her in a better place than I found her." But not every gamer follows this rule. Some go out only to get laid, to take something away, and they don't care about creating a win for the girl. It is rather unfortunate, but egoism is part of human nature that abuses many art forms, not just pick up.

    I highly encourage people looking into learning this art. As guys today, we have been so *&^ed by society and all its modern paraphernalia (like hmmm let's see... porn!). Half of us didn't have father figures to learn from. Learning pick up is like putting yourself through fire. You will burn and suffer. You will get rejected and embarrassed in most hideous ways. You will hurt so bad all you'll want to do is curl into a ball and die. But by going through this growing pain, you will come to find your center. You will come to understand who you truly are. The pain will harden you from the inside and help you stand solid on your feet. The skills you will learn will enable you to have unforgettable movie-like experiences with the most beautiful girls. You will be on the road of becoming the best version of yourself. The 10 you deserve to be. And that, according to Aristotle, is the very definition of happiness.

  19. tweeby

    tweeby Banned


    In truth most women understand guys who play 'The Game' but they admire those guys that can play it... and execute it well.

    Most guys would prefer to go straight to the end goal. 'I want some tail!' They behave logically and are forever frustrated with these silly games women play. Learn the game and everything becomes easier. From your interactions with women, work and even bullies. It is psychology at its core.

    Now I'm sure there are guys who have been through the stage where they are weary of their every move, and become social robots. The idea is to know enough to get the girl, but once you have the girl continue to live a normal life.

    It's self improvement at its core. Nothing more nothing less.
  20. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    This part is true. You must really go through the hellfire of rejection, and then you grow.

    But you can have this also on a normal human level.

    However, I deepy dislike the idea that you pick up girls just like a sports training. As I understand, the PUAs are even doing kind of "challenges", with scores and "levels" (called "closes") ... phone number close ... Kiss close ... Sex close .... who scores the most within 30 days, etc.
    Now that's really weird.