I did it, after many failures, never going back

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Ryanellion, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Ryanellion

    Ryanellion Fapstronaut

    Hello gents,

    Ryan the lion here. 22 years old, not many posts in here, anyways I've finally done it!


    I started fapping at around 15-16 to pictures and such, maybe once or twice a week.

    Gradually Increased the frequency to 1-2 times a day minimum 4 times a week max 20 a week.

    I went on fapping and no dating up until about 19 years old really got ahold of it, I think it was the vegatarian diet I adopted for a month or so.

    Guys if you didn't know meat (of any kind) does increase libido and testosterone so if your feeling hopeless try a vegatarian diet out, it might be your "magic bullet".

    So I stopped life felt better, reading a lot, job going well got a raise , lots of friends. Flirting with more than than I had ever flirted with.

    I had my job in a frenzy, positive vibes to all the bros, fluttering hearts to all the ladies. To note I was working at a hotel in Orlando, big place, all the lifeguards hot young girls probably 30 cute single girls in bikinis :-D

    I start working a special event at work and this one particular lifeguard I had my eyes on starts giving me more attention than the other ones and we start flirting more than before.

    Now I will throw in a little bit of law of attraction knowledge as well, I was listening to oldies music about the love of your life coming and pleasing her. I also wrote down the kind of girl I wanted and by when. She came to me!

    She asked me out to a dance/prom like thing exclusively for employees. We kiss and then a week later we become exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend.

    Things are great, I find out she's a virgin, I eventually have sex with her after a few months, then I start itching for the sex, up until this point I still haven't fapped.

    Then she gives me blue balls one day and the cycle of hell began, her parents got home and I had to dress quick and pretend I was doing something else.

    I finished myself off in the bathroom and then, I realized I didn't need to have sex to get it out.

    I opened up a can of worms gentlemen!

    A few months pass I've been fucking her and fapping, most of the time cumming premature because of the fapping (I had no idea at the time)

    A few months after that she dumps me.

    I'm in hell for literally 2.5 years, rapping deppressed losing jobs, then I see the TED talks about porn, start trying to quit over and over and over (add 20 more over's).


    I couldn't do it for whatever reason. Then recently a flash of insight came upon me.
    I only fapped in my room on my bed or in the bathroom rarely and even rarer at work.

    But if I could conquer my room the 80% (google the 80/20 principle) I could win this thing!

    So I began LEAVING MY DOOR UNLOCKED! No one wants to get walked in on while fapping!

    Or even leave your door open, i did that if a really big urge came on.

    I also stopped sleeping on my bed, got away from the comfort to prevent the fapping, I think it helped too.

    Now if it were that easy, you would all quit tomorrow, however the temptation still came, here's big tip #3 verbally tell your cock "NO!" When it gets hard out of nowhere or you Touch it yourself.

    Say no with power and authority let your lower head know it's contend by your top head.

    These two alone helped me complete this nofap challenge. No meditation, no prayer, no software, nothing. Just make the decision gents. You'll be off and away.

    If you missed the vegatarian tip above, meat builds testosterone and libido, if you feel helpless try a vegatarian diet for 21 days.

    Now some motivational shit to help you out that I love!

    -oh the places you'll go audiobook/book on YouTube
    -rsd motivation channel on YouTube (all the videos)
    -muscleprodigytv channel on YouTube (I like the daily motivation videos #1-#80 or whatever)
    -sunscreen song on YouTube

    Type in motivation and or inspiration on YouTube
  2. HispanicMON

    HispanicMON Fapstronaut

    Good job bro!!
  3. Ryanellion

    Ryanellion Fapstronaut

    Keep up the progress bro. I see your trying to out sweets! I'm on day 9 of a water fast, never felt better. Check out cavemanpower.com and see the caveman power diet
  4. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    I'm vegan and haven't eaten meat for many many years - I promise you (unless you're eating total crap) this has nothing to do with it.
    spinelli05 likes this.
  5. fap addict

    fap addict Fapstronaut

    Why not just quit, without all the add ons eg diet etc.
  6. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    Just curious... How long has your success story been going for?
  7. bmw4real

    bmw4real Fapstronaut

    remarkable!! Keep going :)
  8. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    You have the world by the balls. 22yrs old and aware of this issue. Way ahead of the game!