I dare you to write 3 positive things everyday!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by I can overcome, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. I'm thankful for my wife, she took care of me this week. I'm not one to take days off if I don't have to, and she made sure that I rested this week and she took care of the business. I'm proud of her and so love her for everything she does.
    2. Grateful we are in a relative safe zone for covid. Its very stressful at this time but having no cases nearby helps a little.
    3. I love my dogs and 1 is like a little nurse, if either one of me or my wife isn't feeling good or sick, he is there snuggled up. Making sure all is good, like his love is gonna cure everything. Let's just say he hasn't gone very far from me this week. If he's not on my lap hes laying on his bed beside my chair. They are both good boys.
    Venkat19 likes this.
  2. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Feeling happy

    Completed and sent my SOP for the internship!

    Found out a lot about a friend
    I can overcome likes this.
  3. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Had a great day with my wife. All around good day.
    2. Feeling a little better, helps that I'm not pushing myself like I usually do at work. So hopefully it will be a good week at work.
    3. Looking forward to get back to work. Feels weird that I haven't been there in a week. Weird weird weird. Lol.
    Ps: I'm listening to om chants from buddhist monkey to fall.asleep and I like it a lot. I'm trying to use it to change my thinking, my brain, opening up any old crusted compartment that I shut years ago. I'm thinking its helping, lets see if it does.
  4. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Completed my 4th exam of this end sem exam series. Did well!

    Completed this Novel: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides- a deadly novel. Enjoyed it!

    Heard a Sincerely X podcast episode: DNA secrets
    I can overcome likes this.
  5. Ngo27

    Ngo27 Fapstronaut

    1. Closing in on 14 days no PMO
    2. Good health
    3. Adjusting evening toward better sleep
    I can overcome likes this.
  6. Alright:)

    Alright:) Fapstronaut

    1.woke up
    2.I breath
    3.the world is still here .
    Venkat19 and I can overcome like this.
  7. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Had a good session with my councilor. Came up with some strategies on how to communicate better.
    2. Dud some meditation.
    3.have to pace myself at work and not overdo it.
    Venkat19 likes this.
  8. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Went to work for a bit. Felt great to see the team. Made a great corned beef supper.
    2. Got closer with my wife, best feeling ever. I love her so much.
    3. Today is going to be a good day.
  9. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Another good day. I may not be able to do what I normally can do, but I can adapt.
    2. Glad I made a follow up with my doctor about my lyme disease. Thanks to my wife for that.
    3. Still clean and sober and proud of that
  10. 1. Woke up happy. Woke up with alarm and straight went to cold shower.
    2. Played drums, feeling more drumming stammina than ever.
    3. I'm eating healthy.
    amaranth, Venkat19 and I can overcome like this.
  11. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Started preparation for next exam

    Prepared a new schedule for daily routine

    Meditated after a long break
    amaranth and I can overcome like this.
  12. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Meditated twice yesterday and loved it.
    2. Had a very rough day emotionally because of lyme, but my wife helped me through.
    3. Will start studying today.
    amaranth and Venkat19 like this.
  13. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    1. I have a renewed excitement for personal development stronger than ever before.
    2. I am extremely grateful for all the great opportunities that lie in front of me, all I need to do is go after them.
    3. I am feeling increasingly more powerful and confident every day and a lot of it stem from nurturing a disciplined mindset when it comes to the thoughts and feelings I allow myself to have along with the actions I choose to take.
    amaranth, Venkat19 and I can overcome like this.
  14. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Completed my Plant physiology exam!


    Had a good chat with a unique friend
  15. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Had a good morning, went to work and got a few things done.
    2. Meditated fir a bit.
    3. Love our team. They have my back while I'm still down.
    amaranth and Venkat19 like this.
  16. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Allowed myself to be indulgent and read all day

    Removed unwanted stuffs from my Pride month project

    It rained here and gave us relief from this short dry spell (literal)
    I can overcome and amaranth like this.
  17. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    It's finally below freezing point outside and I absolutely love it. Blessed to live here.

    I have realized this community has more to offer than just keeping a journal which will aid tons in my personal development and I am very thankful for this.

    I hit a PR today on the ring dips with 21 reps I am going to become a fucking monster.
    Venkat19 and I can overcome like this.
  18. 1. Went for a long walk with my ex today

    2. Invited my crush on a date

    3. I love myself.

    4. I meditated and worked out at home today

    5. Grateful for this power I have found. It comes from within. The outside world doesnt matter anymore, relatively speaking.
    Ngo27 and I can overcome like this.
  19. I can overcome

    I can overcome Fapstronaut

    1. Seeing the granddaughters today. Gotto love that.
    2. Nice sunny day after a few days of rain.
    3. Today is going to be better, I will not push myself like I always do, and have a good nap again
    Venkat19 likes this.
  20. Venkat19

    Venkat19 Fapstronaut

    Slept well

    Realised my mistakes when it comes to planning for a good night's sleep

    A toe infection is almost healed now!
    I can overcome and BornStrong like this.