I am new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hatethislifeandeveryoneinit, May 9, 2024.

  1. Hatethislifeandeveryoneinit

    Hatethislifeandeveryoneinit New Fapstronaut

    How are you all doing, I hope all are doing well, I have been doing PMO for almost three weeks, I have exams tomorrow, I haven't studied anything for it like I wanted to, all i studied was a bunch of P channels in P sites, I cocked up my life. This isn't how i started this Semester in college actually, it all started well, I was fired up to not watch any P and to improve my marks but as I reached the end of my Sem i cocked it up, tomorrow is my Final University exam for this sem, all i know is the names of the P stars whose videos I watched. Today morning I woke up feeling frustrated on myself, an anger which seems to have subsided now. Like my username says .
  2. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    Not watching porn not only improves your results, but your whole life (which is even better). Can you explain to me exactly when you give in to porn and what you have already tried to get it out of your life?
    Start a better life today, don't watch porn. You can do it! Rooting for you!
    Anewlifeanewday likes this.
  3. Anewlifeanewday

    Anewlifeanewday Fapstronaut

    hai its me, I created a new account because i am not able to access that account. I created it with a temp mail. i just came here to let you know that i am thankful that you are rooting for me. i just fapped a while ago, its like i cant get rid of it man, i know its just a bunch of humans beating their organs, but for some reason my monkey brain just cant handle it, and my rational brain just goes down the drain, i wish to improve myself but it is getting harder day by day, i hope we keep in touch through this conversation. looking at your comment i feel like i want to improve myself.
  4. Anewlifeanewday

    Anewlifeanewday Fapstronaut

    I know you are wondering why did it take so long for me to reply, i was not in the mood to do anything, my exams are going and i am not motivated to write and study for it like i used to be when my semester started. Lets hope it all gets better with discipline which i really need to build.
  5. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    Great that you came back! It means you are willing to choose for a better life! Let me tell you, it's worth it! Wishing you good luck with your exams. Use them in your advantage. Studying means less time online. Start improving a little thing each day. What is something you can do that will make you feel better? What is something you can do to improve your life and keep you away from porn?
    Anewlifeanewday likes this.
  6. rave.flower

    rave.flower Fapstronaut

    We are all on a journey of self discovery. I implore you to find as much information as you can about all of this. Cause all the information you get will help you hold onto yourself when you enter into that space where your mind is searching for a hit for the craving to go away.

    I have been reading this book 'Dopamine Nation'. If you can't read it, try listening to the audio book. I think its a stellar resource for understanding the functioning of the brain.

    It's a journey of discovery, self reflection & understanding. You'll find the answers. Keep seeking. Good luck.
    Anewlifeanewday and Montfort like this.
  7. rave.flower

    rave.flower Fapstronaut

    Also no youtube and instagram/pinterest or music for a month. nothing to stimulate entertainment. You'll realise how hard it is to keep to this. but these are the stepping stones to a relapse.
    Anewlifeanewday and Montfort like this.
  8. Anewlifeanewday

    Anewlifeanewday Fapstronaut

    I don't have an Instagram account, it was a conscious decision that I took when I was young, I do have a YouTube account but now that you mentioned I should stop looking at YouTube and to also stop listening to music for a month I will try to do that. Not listening to music and YouTube is something I really haven't tried before, especially for a month, so I will try that, Thanks for the Idea and support everyone, I really hope you guys succeed in whatever you are putting your minds to and become the ideal version of yourself. I am glad I made an account here.
    Montfort likes this.