How long have you been single?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by BeachDude1992, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. sense

    sense Guest

    My last proper relationship was a few years ago. My last sexual encounter was a few months ago. I even have a very good female friend where the lines are so blurred it's like a relationship without the intimacy... even though it isn't.

    I can get sex fairly easily, but my problem is that I don't seem to want it. It's like, I went through a phase of being quite promiscuous when I was younger, built up a "network" of available women - but I really can't be arsed.

    Women flirt with me a lot, which I guess I should be flattered by, but I find myself running away - because of porn I fee like I'm not "functioning" properly in the way that I used to, nothing turns me on anymore, and I have performance anxiety that stops me from even dating. :confused:
  2. chucknorris

    chucknorris Fapstronaut

    It's been almost 3 years now. I've met, hooked up with, and had sex with girls who were good enough to have sex with, but that I didn't consider to be girlfriend material. I think this comes from my low self-esteem and lack of willingness to try for what I really want.
  3. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I think it is choice as well, I doubt those that have been single for years haven't had chances with shall we say (less good looking girls) it's just we choose to not date them because we don't find them attractive and we'd rather be alone. It took a long time to realise this in myself, as it is easy to label 'all girls are bitches and don't want to date a nice guy.' -(all the hot ones more like)

    My advice, if you've single for too long, lower your standards and get some experience, this is what counts with women/ and believe it or not, most women, fat ugly, grotesque, or hot with pretty faces and smoking bodies all behave in the same way emotionally and in their physical desires.
    BeachDude1992 likes this.
  4. I agree about getting some experience. Then we can move on ranks and rates of higher quality women
  5. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    Just saw this video. It's an idea I've seen before and I think it's relevant to this thread because being alone and being addicted could be related.

    I don't agree with everything in it. I think he draws the conclusion too easily between just being around people or "having friends" and not being addicted.

    But I do think that people who have healthy relationships and find their lives to be fulfilling and pretty well in order probably don't have as much trouble abstaining from addictions or never picking them up in the first place.

  6. wow, that is very fascinating! thanks for sharing this.
    Don Gately likes this.