Hey guys new here. But i have some questions

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Kylesean, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. Kylesean

    Kylesean Fapstronaut

    I have just relapsed today but i found that today was one of the toughest. I battle one urge today that was so so strong i only just managed to conquer it by quickly leaving to go skate. Unfortunetly i came home and it came back to bite me in the ass. This was after a 5 day streak.

    My questions are:
    Even if i get through 90 days isn't this gonna haunt me over and over til i eventually have real sex? I mean if u hold porn off longer would'nt it just build even more anticipation one time i relapsed after 15 days and then i fell back into it and the relapse gave my extremely more pleasure than all the times because ot built anticipation??:/
    And i feel really crap because it feels like if u can't get real sex than this problem is just gonna keep scaring me.

    2) i tried this once and it made things easier for me at least i think. What if i drop the porn and move into masterbation then quit masterbation instead of quitting at once like everytime i relapse just do a MO without PMO then work my way off?

    3) all i want from this mainly is to clear out social anxiety and get rid of my e.d what does that take?? Does mean 90 days no porn or even 5 months no porn or no porn or masterbation or even fantasising?? I mean what does it take to feel the way a normal person should be feeling?
  2. eldish

    eldish Fapstronaut

    I think you have some valid questions.

    One thing to realize about this site is that it is ultimately you who decides what you are abstaining from. Personally, I'm a young married guy that wanted to stop looking at porn and masturbating so I would be truly monogamous with my wife. So for me, I still have sex with my wife and it is not complete celibacy.

    So for someone who has no girlfriend, wife, partner, etc. you can choose to be either completely celibate and abstain from porn (Hard mode they call it)or you can go just for no porn but still masturbate. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

    I hope this helps.
  3. Kylesean

    Kylesean Fapstronaut

    Yeah it does thanks for the reply. Im gonna aim for hard mode in a fun challenging way but it's good that now i can sorts not feel to worried about relasing into MO
  4. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    No, it doesn't get worse and worse - after the cravings from withdrawal pass, which can take a few weeks. It's porn that makes the craving so unbearable. Have you watched the adolescent video at www.yourbrainonporn.com? (It's useful for all ages.)