Has anyones stress levels gone off the charts?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Devorian, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Devorian

    Devorian Fapstronaut

    So it has been about 17 days since my last relapse, and I am feeling great. I am not even thinking about looking at P or anything, but lately I noticed my stress level about to go into the red zone. At work I just want to snap at comment that under regular conditions I would just laugh at. I am almost getting to the point of just walking away from my job, but I know I need to stay to make money for my family. In traffic I am getting aggressive over everything. I have tried mediation but then I tart focusing on the negative parts from my pat to try and find out the root to some of my person problems. I don't know normally I am full of philosophical ideology to help my mind turn around. Need some advise
  2. Anonymous17

    Anonymous17 New Fapstronaut

    Same here bro. Also need an answer for this
  3. Picfiend

    Picfiend Fapstronaut

    I can say that my stress levels have gone up considerably. Stuff that I wouldn't give a second thought pisses me off nowadays but I like to think that it's about finding a way of dealing with that stress that's the key. It would be easy to take out frustrations from going through withdrawal on anyone else but at the end of the day it's you who has to deal with those feelings. I used to smoke cigarettes, weed and PMO, so when i quit them all at the same time i had a hard time trying to figure out how to respond to even mildly stressful situations and like anything it takes practise. I'm not very good at it yet but at least i don't scream out like what i used to do in my earlier days, looking for any excuse to take out my anger on anyone nearby. I usually finding taking a breath and trying to calm oneself down before reacting will save some awkward situations.
  4. Devorian

    Devorian Fapstronaut

    I hear you on that for me though it is all my job, which is what fills up most of my time so it is helping me to keep my mind off of ping. But in the same aspect I recently picked back up my habit for smoking and now I am even more upset because now I am mad because I am not buying cigarettes and that I want to smoke. I have been getting to a point that I just want to quit or headbutt a wall. I know neither is a good option for me at the moment but thoughts of my family were able to cool me off today. I really want to keep this thread going to see what others are up too and see what they can come up with in ways to deal with this
  5. itay

    itay Fapstronaut

    a long time before i quit fapping i noticed that my stress was reduced considerably when i watched porn..infact only when i watched porn i could relax and let go of the pressure through hardcore movies and when i came..i felt that i became numb..numb to everything around me..so nothing got to me and even if it did i didnt have the energy to deal with so i just didnt care..
    WHEN YOU STOP fapping you regain your sestivity both in your pennis and both in your mind and feelings and so you start to feel how you really teel about things..all your problems and troubles now getting out and expressing themselves and you need to learn to deal with them and channel them into good things..
    when you stop your succumb energy finally getting out and she comes usually in a bad manifestations and there is your real challenge and real groth proccess begins..
    i'd advice you with alottt of long meditation sessions in this period and sports which are a great stress relief and energy channeling activities
    also sleep well..when you dont get enough sleep your energy is more inclined to become stress and your willpower to deal with it is decreased dramatically.
    wizard likes this.

    FULLMETAL Fapstronaut

    Well my stress levels have also increased, I believe it is because pmo was like kind of stress buster and after doing it I was almost drained out of energy and became feeling less but now that we are living life like the way it should have been we are a bit stressed, this is what I think the reason might be.

    Anyways I have started doing workout and now I do 150 pushups daily and go for running every now and then, I believe physical workout is a good way to let that energy have a way out, also I would like to mention that I feel more energized I mean more than anything so I think it's essential that we do some physical workout else all that energy will find some way to channel out.

    I think running helps the most in this regard although all forms of physical activities are ok, that is what I believe.
  7. 21decisionforlife

    21decisionforlife Fapstronaut

    I can agree with the posts of @itay and @FULLMETAL (funny enough @itay is just one day more in the game then me :D). My stress level went over the limit last thursday which i noticed by complete non logical fears and a complete emotional roller coaster (I also posted in this forum). The point of the reboot is mostly to find your balance in terms of lifestyle. Many post here that PMO is not the disease but a symptom of a bad lifestyle and man i couldnt agree more. When rebooting you notice a lot of things that you would not have realised before. Your laziness, your pressure to distract yourself basically non stopp and numb the pain are just one of countless examples. Meditation, sport, but also socialising are good ways of coping with the stress and MOST important are a good way of using your time. I found it hard and still sometimes do working the complete day without loosing to much time for computer games or watching videos on youtube. That needs to be improved so I can do more sport again which is normally more part of my being than probably for most humans (I'm pretty ribbed and love basically all kind of sports). Recovering this will heal me eventually and lead me on a path of fulfillment. Every other fapstronaut has their own way to find, I wish them all the best, because the way is the aim ;)
    FULLMETAL likes this.

    FULLMETAL Fapstronaut

    Yes definately go for sports that just helps a lot, my initial plan has always been to get rid of this for forever which I'm sure I will be successful in, this initial 3 months will be my first milestone, man I was so happy when I completed 1 month that I gave party to my friends and when I completed 2 months then again I gave party to few of my close friends, I feel a new person everyday.
    I would like to say that the way is the journey we got to enjoy ofcourse we all have aims but the aim should be on building the new not destroying the old.
  9. Devorian

    Devorian Fapstronaut

    Very good points have been made. With out viewing p we now have more free time to explore ways to make us more wholesome and not cold empty shells. I noticed that my aggression is going down and I am getting to be more focused at tasks that I am doing. Though a sad revelation came u the other day, one of the shows that I used to watch with my wife may be a trigger and we have decided to not watch it. But hey if I don't relapse then my stress wont kick back up and then I can truly be a happy person.