Does porn and masturbation effects a person's iq level?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anti-Porn Army Soldier, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Anti-Porn Army Soldier

    Anti-Porn Army Soldier Fapstronaut

    Not gonna argue with you about Lumosity but if you think that constant viewing of porn and masturbating does not effect a person's brain then I challenge you to jerk off atleast twice any day of the month. Play chess before jerking off and then play again after jerking off, you will see the difference. A person's IQ changes with time as you grow older and get more experience in life, IQ is not constant, you can also google it if you want to!
    PMO effects our entire brain, if a person possesses average intelligence then he will show below average results if he is a porn addict and vice versa if a person possesses good intelligence then he will show average results because people like us cannot reach our full potential if we are wasting our "potential" in front of a screen.
  2. theory816

    theory816 Fapstronaut

    Hells yes. It will make you dumb. 100% The reason for that is because of memory and reasoning. Without a good memory, much of life is a blur. Without it, you cant really do anything and that your're just dragging along. Sperm secretion, including Porn indulgence, though I consider watching porn to be much less damaging, is a sure way to to make your pre-frontal cortex work at a low level because it haven't enough chemicals to work with. If you have an extremely deep addiction, you will be able to see how memory comes back by withholding sperm. If you dont have a real addiction, YOU WONT KNOW. You can only take my word for it but guys who have extreme addiction will across the board tell you how memory will come back. It is 100 replicable everytime for those who are deeply addicted.
  3. theory816

    theory816 Fapstronaut

    Your memory will come back. It can actually be tested. I guarantee you will see a difference. That is if you can actually make it to 30 days pmo free. Make a list of 5-8 things and see if you can recall it. Then after 30-40 days, do the same test agian and see if you can exceed this list. Its an simple memory test but its concrete evidence. YOU should be able to tell the difference since you know your memory best. This test is to see how your "Working memory" is performing. Its not a test for longterm memory which is another type of memory. With working memory, you are able to take one piece of information, isolate it, and compare it with 5-8 other pieces of short information. WIthout a working memory, you'r not going to do very well in life
    Ray Breslin likes this.
  4. This is spot on. I am suffering from this thing. Poor memory=Poor focus =Poor life quality. I have become worse at literally everything not just's even adversely affected my gaming,sports. The colors have less color, you feel less happy all the time because you can't keep "in" the moment and you can't help but see your own life just passing away in a blur. Seriously it takes me about an hour and often more to memorize a paragraph , something i could've done in less than 5 minutes before. This is the worse effect of PMO.
    theory816 likes this.
  5. theory816

    theory816 Fapstronaut

    I wish you all the best. We know the benefits, we know nofap improves quality of life and I can definitely relate with taking a longer amount of time to learn something when it should have taken just a couple of minutes. Reading and then re-reading and then forgetting again. Its a time killer.

    It really comes down to being able to JUST STOP with the dirty deed. That takes a massive amount of willpower for those who are truly addicted. Long sleepless nights, cant think about anything but sex, horny all the time, feeling like ripping your hair out, ripping someones head off. Its not easy, and as you know, anything of worth does not come with ease.

    For me, the thing that helped me to get past 2 weeks was meeting new people. I didn't want to let them down and wanted to put my best foot forward every time I interacted with them. I didn't want to look dumb in front of these important people. As I started to lose contact with them, I went back to my old lifestyle. But hey, Ive learned what motivates me.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
  6. obliterator

    obliterator New Fapstronaut

    I totally believe PMO lowers your IQ i was playing a game with my siblings before PMOing and i was crushing all of them. But as soon as I PMOed, they have been totally crushing me. I feel so dumb!!! And i feel so angry at me for doing that to me.