Does Complete Eye Contact Not Equate to Attraction and Can Some Women Ever Not Change Their Mind?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Coffee22, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. Coffee22

    Coffee22 Fapstronaut

    Does complete, strong eye contact from an attractive girl mean she finds you attractive? I say this because I might make strong eye contact with an elderly lady, but I am not attracted to them like that. Or some men who I am engaged in a conversation with. I guess eye contact alone is not a definitive indicator as to the level she finds you attractive.

    But my next question is can a woman whom probably picks up on that you were interested in but never crossed any line of confessing to her that you liked her, but now she runs away from you, will staying pure in purity ever increase your masculine presence to any point to where she will ever find you attractive? I ask this because a lot in this community talk about how when we are living in purity, we become a “chick magnet,” and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence for this, but is there any hope that the girl that you find attractive will ever change her mind about you if you keep trying to live in purity, and you have a stable job, are a nice guy, get along with everyone… you know. You don’t have any negative energy from living in impurity. You live an honest life. You don’t do drugs. There’s nothing that should turn you off from the average, single girl. It’s just the one that you like, she catches onto that, and then she runs. So I ignore her now and am looking elsewhere now. Or when a girl makes up her mind about you, are there just some women who despite how good you think you are and no matter how attractive you may become through purity will just never like you back and that’s the way it is?

    I was depressed that she consistently is showing me signs she is not interested, even though she made insane, complete eye contact with me before, so I am confused, but I feel liberated now to not be a slave to those strong emotions anymore, freed to enjoy life again.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  2. Mr. Unhappy

    Mr. Unhappy Fapstronaut

    I think eye contact just means they find you interesting. It takes a whole lot more then just eye contact to make any sort of conclusion. As well as body language, touching, flirtacious instinct. If she is definitely interested in you she will keep talking, more or less likely to give you direct body language and eye contact as well. I believe I read some where that if they bulge there eyes openly at you this is a sign. I think there are articles online specifically about eye contact. I've realized with the previous girls I dated if they lock eyes on you like they are in a trance its a good sign. They feel your energy and vibe with you.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  3. Depends, what type of women you are dealing with. Also depends what is she looking for. If she is requiring of a guy that describes your qualities, she will find you attractive, or better maybe even useful.

    If you're looking for a long term, I recommend you keep your hopes low and take what you can get.