Does a wet dream count as a relapse?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Baller123, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    I was just curious after having my third wet dream in the last 18 days if this would signify a relapse as semen is lost.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  2. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    Yo Baller123,
    I remember when I was on my first streak I had a wet dream. The truth is you can't really control the dreams you have so I would say no, just stay disciplined and stay away from porn. The wet dreams will go away overtime so don't sweat it.
    Baller123 and Abubakar T like this.
  3. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Are you saying that you got a wet dream and is it a relapse? Hell is not a relapse, how can a dream become a relapse. These all low confidence etc will be just for 1-2 days, your body has not lost any vital fluids through wet dream which it may have lost through pmo. You are absolutly fine and strong. Keep going
    Flyhigh and Baller123 like this.
  4. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    Alright thanks for the reassurance
    TheRealOG likes this.
  5. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks and I shall keep going
  6. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    No. Move on. Too much semen. Your body releasing. Easy simple don't question delete thread
  7. I'm going to clear up a couple of myths here:

    First myth:
    Wet dreams are a relapse: Simply put, no, they aren't. That would be like a heroin addict saying they relapsed if their body suddenly released a bunch of endorphins. I mean, endorphins are opiates, just like heroin - so technically they just got a bunch of opiates in their system. They didn't relapse though, because it was a natural function of the body and not something they chose to do. You didn't relapse by having a wet dream.

    Myth two though:
    Wet dreams are necessary: This is just as much a myth as the first. The idea that wet dreams are just your body releasing semen after it has kept too much is misleading. I've not had a single wet dream in 290 days of NoFap. Sperm is broken down and re-absorbed by the body, and does not need to be ejaculated to be used up. The main cause of wet dreams has nothing to do with how much sperm you have: It's to do with being aroused during your sleep. Most wet dreams are just that, wet dreams. There is a sexual dream accompanying the ejaculation, which causes the orgasm. The presence of sexual dreams like these is usually due to too much fantasising before bed. If you find wet dreams are a problem for you, try meditation or some other calming activity that will keep your mind away from sexual thoughts before bed. Your age and testosterone levels are also a factor. If your testosterone levels have experienced a sudden increase recently, due to puberty, exogenous steroids, or something else - then you're going to naturally be more aroused in your sleep and be more likely to have a wet dream. There isn't much you can do about things like puberty - just accept that you probably won't be able to get rid of wet dreams entirely, but minimise sexual thoughts before bed if you want to reduce the frequency of them.

    They shouldn't be a cause for concern though. Orgasms in dreams are still orgasms, and so you will experience some of the temporary energy depleting side effects of orgasm, but your body recovers from these quickly - and besides, unless you're trying to go completely celibate and avoid sex forever, then orgasm isn't the main issue: masturbation and porn are. That said, if you do find yourself feeling a little lower energy after wet dreams, take the advice I mentioned previously, and avoid sexual thoughts before bed. It's worked for me for the past 290 days, so it can work for you too!

    Hope this helps!
    Baller123 and Phil Harmonica like this.
  8. Phil Harmonica

    Phil Harmonica Fapstronaut

    I never had a wet dream in my life until I made the decision to try and quit. Happened the next night. I've had this happen in sequence multiple times. Very strange. I used to get down on myself that it counted as a relapse, which would spiral out of control. Make the decision that wet dreams are not a relapse, since they will happen to almost everyone at some point.
    Atlanticus likes this.