Delicious Suffering

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by jfromcr, May 12, 2016.

  1. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    I read something today that made me think of all us addicts. The book is called "The Road to Character" by David Brooks, just to give him credit. He is writing about George Eliot (a female poet the 1800s). Here is what it said:

    In most 12 step groups the final step is to share what you have learned and give back to your community. I am going out on a limb and saying "addicts are selfish and self-centered". Which is why I liked what the guy wrote. I spent so much of my time in "delicious suffering" instead of facing my pain, my problems, and my life.

    Give it a thought. Feel free to comment.
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  2. EverythingIsConnected

    EverythingIsConnected Fapstronaut

    We all are used to giving ourselves what we want, over and over again, just like any other addict. Except ours is special. Our drug is found inside our head and the catalyst is society. So, I can see how being selfish is an addiction in itself.

    This causes escapism. It causes us to go down a path where we can just give one touch and we're somewhere else. Hell, we're someONE else. In our minds, dopamine is king, and we run rampant in real life with no responsibilities while the one thing that matters, us, doesn't do too well in current society.

    How does one escape this feeling? Even when M is gone and P has been eradicated, what can help one feel selfless? How can I feel like there's a larger universe and a longer story?
    jfromcr likes this.
  3. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hey EverythingIsConnected,

    I think that the key to living in a larger universe and longer story is to offer a helping hand to someone else. Many people out here want help for their problems and don't always see that they could offer help too. You may not have control of PMO but you may have something to offer to people around you in other ways. If we can get past our own frustration that the world is not working the way we want, we may see that other people are struggling and need to be heard.

    Thanks for you reply. And welcome to the fight!
    EverythingIsConnected likes this.
  4. "going out on a limb and saying "addicts are selfish and self-centered"

    Welcome to the limb, mate! ;) Pull up a comfy chair, grab a pint, it's good to have you as company!

    We are indeed self-consumed narcissistic gits. The lot of us. Addiction is indulgence. We have indulged to the point of potential destruction or abject destruction.

    One of the ways we repair the damage we have done to ourselves and others is by realizing this very topic. We cannot change what we do not acknowledge.

    Cheers, mate.