Day 42. Relapced finally and dont see reason to continue.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Someonewhowillbehappysomeday, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. Since start iv been in a flatline, everything got worse, my depression, anxiety, i couldn't take it anymore, it seems like NoFap doesnt work on me. Sorry, i had to get it out of my chest.
  2. Ramirami

    Ramirami Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, I’m almost at day 42…. Hopefully I don’t relapse, I hope you’re only feeling this way because of the relapse… Things tend to get worse before they get better, the worst is when you think on some days that it’s not working but you just gotta push through it… don’t let this set you back and don’t consider it a reset from day one. Just take it day by day, and it’ll get easier the more you practice