Day 30 succeeded by a 108 day streak.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by vishu, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    Hello guys last relapse totally broke me from inside I was completely doomed. had been in depression for days but thankfully that painful phase has passed. and at that time the support which you guys provided here in this forum was remarkable and because of that I could manage to forgive myself.
    since then I did 2 things
    1. I did not do multi relapses. I only edged and relapsed once only on that unlucky night of day 108.
    2. I tried to keep it as hard as possible. tried to keep my this new streak on monk mode most of the time which means no social media no talk with female friends and no music as well. I also tried to avoid sweet or sugary dishes which means as less dopamine as possible.
    right now I am on a very strong flatline but still I can feel the positivity in the world around me and not much bad happened so far. Which means even after relapsing some benifits of my past streak are carrying forward to my new streak perhaps because I have been very disciplined throughout my second streak.
    So yeah my message to everyone out there who relapsed please do not multi relapse if you relapse its okay just close your phone and reset the counter but do not multi relapse. because the more time you relapse the less benefits you retrieve from your previous streak.
    one positive thing I noticed today it is my birthday today and everyone's wishing me birthday so genuinely and vivaciously unlike in the past.
    TheFlash123 and New Art3mis like this.
  2. livebytruths

    livebytruths Fapstronaut

    Happy birthday man! Great job on the streak so far. Forgive yourself first and foremost for relapsing. That's one thing Terry Crews said in his videos - you have to forgive yourself. You are not your past self anymore.

    Keep up the great work.
    jax2k19, nirav2696 and vishu like this.
  3. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    congratulations on ur streaks

    happy birthday

    good luck buddy for next plans.....
  4. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    thank you!
  5. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    thank you!
    nirav2696 likes this.
  6. herone

    herone Fapstronaut

    happy birthday man! great job on your streak. be kind to yourself. we all make mistakes but there is always room to fix them
    vishu likes this.
  7. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot brother
  8. New Art3mis

    New Art3mis Fapstronaut

    You're right my dude, we have to forgive ourselves in order to succeed.
    The same thing happened with me, I relapsed after 10 days but I was passionate about leaving porn. I continued and I'm doing good rn. Best of luck.
    vishu likes this.
  9. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    proud of you. keep doing the good work!
    New Art3mis likes this.