Confusion over Girl

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Akon500, Sep 2, 2023.

  1. Akon500

    Akon500 Fapstronaut

    For a week ive been texting this girl and since she showed some good interest
    and wanted to know some stuff about me i asked her out but she indirectly declined, but sayed next week she will be in my town and may text me, what is this about? Confused why she didnt accepted right away but showed good interest etc ....
  2. Idk she might just be trying to be nice about rejecting you

    or maybe she wants to think about it longer. If you already asked her out directly, then you did your part

    might as well just wait now, and see if she texts you next week when she is in town

    if she doesn’t text you, then maybe try asking her out again in a few weeks. But I wouldn’t talk to her a lot right now, just go “no contact” and see if she messages you next week
  3. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    How well do you know her?
  4. Akon500

    Akon500 Fapstronaut

    like i said just texting for a week maybe shes just hesitant
  5. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    Have you tried calling her?
  6. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    She's got other stuff going on and doesn't owe you a detailed explanation for everything. Go hang out with her when she wants. If you see red flags, don't pursue it any more. If she seems cool, do.

    But don't obsess and worry about what this or that means, or why she said a thing, or why she didn't react in the exact way you hoped in the exact time you wanted her to. You've heard of the Serenity Prayer, right? God or whatever cosmic entity of choice grant me the strength to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I can't, and the common sense to tell the difference?

    Something like that, it's a paraphrase.

    This lady's schedule and motivations and all that stuff are well outside the things you can change. All you need to think about is whether your schedule is open next week, and if you want to hang out. That's it.

    Are you really 471 days clean? That's awesome dude.
  7. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    There's no "just" in a generic way, I'd think you want to understand both women in general and this woman in particular to really get anywhere in the relationship. Even when people are able to get somewhere with PUA, generalized info like that they will eventually hit a wall because they don't know or understand the particular person they're with. Even if they're having a ton of sex and killing it in that sense (questionable how often that actually happens) they may not actually find satisfaction in that, in effect just be addicted to sex rather than PMO.
  8. Akon500

    Akon500 Fapstronaut

    yeah sounds right
  9. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    Is this all? You should consider yourself lucky. I had a girl who started approaching me, showed all of her interest towards me, made me compliments, gave me her number, gave me a kiss... and then no replies on the phone! What do you think is confusion like?
  10. endred.bolumdrat

    endred.bolumdrat Fapstronaut

    She may just like you but not be interested in dating you, or she may be unsure about it. Or perhaps she just changed her mind at some point.

    Anyway, it is up to her to make the decision.
  11. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    Yes, i just felt something more than usual, no big deal. Life is going on
  12. endred.bolumdrat

    endred.bolumdrat Fapstronaut

    I had quite a similar experience not so long time ago and I was very disappointed as well. Invested a lot of feelings into the idea, that I would date her.
  13. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    She politely said no, she didn't want to say NO directly so she said MAYBE she would text you next week. What's the update, did she text you?
    Don't be confused, just keep moving on to the next girl, there are so many girls/women out there.